Questions? We have answers.

Quick start guide for GL analyses

  • Updated


Learn about common workflows for General ledger analyses so you can start using MindBridge.


Get started

First steps

Useful articles


Sign in

Invite users

(User Admins and App Admins only)


Engagement tracking

MindBridge Academy


Common workflows

Comprehensive MindBridge workflow: Process of running an analysis in MindBridge, from initial system setup to completing the analysis.

Set up your team's tenant (App Admins only)



Useful articles

FAQs and more

Create an account grouping

Use a template to map GL accounts in a given financial hierarchy to MindBridge Account Classification ("MAC") codes.

MindBridge uses this data to efficiently analyze datasets across related engagements and analyses.


Technical documents

Troubleshooting issues with a CCH account grouping import

Create a library

Configure settings (by analysis type) for your:

  • Analysis
  • Financial ratios
  • Filters
  • Segments
  • Populations
  • Risk scores
  • Risk ranges
  • Custom control points


Technical documents

Library management: Library details

Note: If you are using a MindBridge library, go straight to the Create an organization workflow below.


Prepare for analysis



Useful articles

FAQs and more

Create an organization

Create an area to host all of your engagements.

Learn how to manage the organization and control user access.


Technical documents

Create an engagement

Create an area to host related analyses.

Learn how to manage engagement settings.


Technical documents

Create an analysis

Create an analysis into which you can import financial datasets. Guides

Technical documents

Roll forward

Roll your analysis data forward into to a new or existing engagement.

Note: Only completed General ledger analyses can be rolled forward.


I can't find my engagement in the roll forward menu


Acquire data



Useful Articles


Request data from customers

(A&A only)

Plan in advance to ensure clients are able to provide you with necessary data and documents.

Extract and transform data


  • COA
  • GL (CY & PY)
  • Opening & closing balances
  • Additional data
  • Format GL



Import data and verify the accounts



Useful Articles


Import data

Import formatted, required data

Transaction ID

Ensure during the load data phase you are able to select a transaction ID to break down the data within the General Ledger

Verify accounts — account mapping and account grouping in the engagement

Review your account grouping and account mappings, and make any necessary adjustments at the engagement level.

Verify account balances and run a pre-analysis completeness check

Assess the completeness of a general ledger before running the analysis.



Run the analysis



Useful Articles


Run an analysis

Run the analysis and review results.

Import additional files and re-run the analysis

How to import adjusting files and re-run an analysis in MindBridge.

Import adjustments, reclassifications, and eliminations
Re-run an analysis


Review, document, and test analysis results



Useful Articles


How to use the dashboards and interpret analysis results

Learn about the MindBridge score and the various dashboards available in a general ledger analysis.

Documentation on how to rely on MindBridge

Includes documentation on how to include results in your working paper solutions


Anything else on your mind? Chat with us or submit a request for further assistance.

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