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Library settings: Risk scores

  • Updated


A risk score is an aggregate score that is determined by combining the results of multiple control point scores. Risk scores are organized into risk groups, such as the Asset assertion score, or the MindBridge score, or other groups that are meaningful to you and your team.

App Admins can create new risk scores and risk groups, as well as customize existing risk scores to ensure that the configuration and application of risk scoring across different libraries aligns with theor organization's needs and methodologies.

Learn how to create and manage risk score settings in your libraries below.

Note: Changes made to the Risk scores section within a given library, including risk scores being created, updated, and/or deleted, will not appear in existing engagements using that library. To see your changes in action, you must create a new engagement (or roll forward or duplicate an analysis into a new engagement). All risk scores in the library you select will be copied into the engagement as they exist at that point in time.

Go to Risk scores in the library

Note: Only App Admins can view and manage these library settings. Learn about user roles
  1. Select Admin ( Admin icon ) near the bottom of the MindBridge sidebar on the left side of the screen. You will go to the User Management tab in the Admin settings by default.
  2. Go to the Libraries tab. You will see a list of libraries available in your tenant.
  3. Open the Actions menu to the right of the library you want to see.
  4. Select View library. You will go to the Library details tab on the Libraries page.
  5. Select the tab for the analysis type you want to create a risk score for:
    • General ledger
    • Accounts payable
    • Accounts receivable
      Note: The analysis types available within the library are determined during library creation, and as such, some of these options may not be appear within a given library.
      Upon selecting the desired analysis type, a new menu appears on the left side of the page.
  6. Select Risk scores from the menu on the left. You will go to the Risk scores section, where all of your default and custom risk scores (related to the given analysis type) are stored.

View a risk score

Note: Each analysis type tab contains groups of risk scores, such as the different assertion scores and the MindBridge score.

Use the chevron icon ( Expand icon ) next to a given risk score to see a brief overview, as well as all the control points that contribute to it.

Use the chevron icon ( Expand icon ) next to a control point within a given risk score to expand it. You will see a brief overview of the control point, including the control point type.

Find a risk score

Enter a full or partial search term into the search bar, then press enter/return on your keyboard or select the magnifying glass icon ( Search icon ). 

Alternatively, use the filter menus to display risk scores associated with a particular Account or Risk group.

Select Reset filter any time to remove all applied filters and see the full list of available risk scores.

Create a risk score

Create custom risk scores using unique combinations of control points to see analysis results based on your organization's needs and methodologies.

  1. Select Create risk score near the top of the page. A form window will appear.
  2. Enter a risk score Name.
  3. Use the Risk group menu to select which category the new risk score should be saved to, or enter a new category then press enter/return on your keyboard to save it.
  4. Add a Description of the new risk score to help your team understand its purpose (maximum 250 characters). 
  5. Open the Control points menu and use the checkboxes to select which control points you want to include in the new risk score.
  6. Use the Risk range menu to select which risk range you want to apply to the risk score.
  7. Use the Accounts menu to select which accounts the risk score should be applied to. Selecting a lowest-level account in the hierarchy will produce a risk score for entries associated with that account, whereas selecting a higher-level account category will automatically select all lower-level accounts.
    Optionally, you can use Select all (located to the right of the Accounts menu) to run the risk score against all entries in the ledger.
  8. When you are satisfied, select Create. The new risk score will be created and you will go back to the Risk scores section.
  9. Optionally, you can adjust the control points weights within the new risk score as needed, then select Save (located to the right of the risk score's name) to apply your changes.

Select Close to cancel the creation process and go back to the Risk score section.

GIF showing an example of how to create a risk score

Edit a risk score

You can edit any field in a risk score created by you or your team; in all default MindBridge assertion score groups, excluding the MindBridge score, you can only add and remove control points.

  1. Use the chevron icon ( Expand icon ) to expand the risk score you want to edit.
  2. Open the more actions menu ( More actions menu icon ) that appears in line with the risk score name, on the right side of the screen.
  3. Select Edit. A form window will appear.
  4. Make adjustments to the risk score (refer to steps 2-7 above) as needed.
  5. When you are satisfied, Save your changes. The risk score will be updated and you will go back to the Risk scores section.

Select Close any time to discard your most recent changes and go back to the Risk scores section.

Add and remove control points from a risk score

  1. Enter edit mode for a given risk score as described above (steps 1 to 3).
  2. In the Control points section, open the menu to see a list of control points, then:
    • Add control points: Select the checkboxes next to the control points you want to add to the risk score.
      • You can also start typing in the field to bring up specific control points, then use the checkboxes to select them.
    • Remove control points: Use the X icon located to the left of a control point to remove it from the risk score.
      • You can also use the checkboxes to deselect control points and remove them from the risk score.
      • Alternatively, you can use the X icon located on the right side of the field to remove all control points from the risk score.
  3. When you are satisfied, Save your changes. New control points have a default weight of 0, which must be adjusted before they can be used.
Note: On the Data table dashboard in the analysis results, risk scores that include custom control points can only be seen using the Entries view.

Adjust control point weights

Tip: Familiarize yourself with how MindBridge determines control point weights before making adjustments to them.

To adjust a control point’s weight:

  1. Click and drag the slider to your desired weight, or enter a value from 0 to 100 in the number field.
  2. When you are satisfied, Save your changes.
Note: Adjusting the weight of a control point within one risk score will not impact other risk scores. For example, adjusting a control point within the Asset Existence score will not impact the same control point that appears within the Liabilities and Equity Existence score.

Adjust control point settings

Admins can customize additional settings for the following control points:

  • Complex Instrument
  • End of Analysis Period
  • End of Reporting Period
  • High Monetary Value
  • Manual Entry
  • Material Value
  • Old Unpaid Invoice (AP/AR analyses only)
  • Start of Analysis Period
  • Start of Reporting Period
  • Suspicious Keyword

To adjust these settings:

  1. Use the chevron icon ( Expand icon ) to the left of a given control point name to expand it.
  2. Select Edit to go the control point settings.
  3. In the window that appears, adjust the settings as needed.
  4. When you are satisfied, select Done to save your changes.

Select Cancel to discard changes and go back to the Risk scores section.

Note: Unlike weights, control point settings are shared across the analysis type (within the given library) to ensure consistency across your analytical framework. For example, for the control point High Monetary Value, updating the threshold from 2% to 5% in the General ledger analysis settings will uniformly update all instances this control point's threshold across all GL risk scores within the library.  

Delete risk scores

Delete custom risk scores as needed.

  1. Use the chevron icon ( Expand icon ) to expand the risk score you want to delete.
  2. Open the more actions menu ( More actions menu icon ) in line with the risk score name.
  3. Select Delete. A confirmation window appears.
  4. Select Delete to permanently delete the risk score. The risk score is deleted and you will go back to the Risk scores section.

Select Cancel to go back to the Risk scores section without deleting the risk score.

Note: MindBridge's default risk scores cannot be deleted, but they can be disabled within the Engagement settings by your team as needed.

Rename custom risk groups

Rename custom risk groups as needed. MindBridge's default risk groups cannot be renamed.

  1. Open the more actions menu ( More actions menu icon ) in line with the risk group name.
  2. Select Rename. A form window will appear.
  3. Adjust the name of the risk group as needed.
  4. When you are satisfied, Save your changes. The risk score will be renamed and you will go back to the Risk scores section.

Delete custom risk groups

Deleting a custom risk group also deletes all risk scores from within the group, but will not impact existing engagements using the library.

  1. Open the more actions menu ( More actions menu icon ) in line with the risk group name.
  2. Select Delete. A confirmation window appears.
  3. Select Delete to permanently delete the risk group. The risk group is deleted and you will go back to the Risk scores section.

Select Cancel to go back to the Risk scores section without deleting the risk group.

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