The Data table dashboard helps you easily view and explore the risk associated with each entry and transaction included in your financial and operational datasets in order to enhance your financial data analysis and auditing efficiency. With customizable views and filters, you can tailor the dashboard to meet specific objectives, allowing you to quickly manage and analyze information, and identify and assess risks like fraud or compliance issues. This dashboard helps prioritize higher-risk areas and accelerates data-driven decision-making, makes the audit process more efficient and effective, and helps you make informed decisions quickly.
This dashboard provides detailed information related to the imported dataset, enabling you to:
- Perform a keyword search to find specific data.
- Apply basic filters and create, save, and apply advanced filters to narrow your analysis results.
- Configure the data table to determine the data you want to view, and how you want to see it laid out in the table.
- Drill-down to see details on entries or transactions
- Create a random or risk-stratified sample for your audit plan, or create a population within the analysis.
- Create tasks to follow-up on work needed to be done.
- Export data from the data table.
Learn more about the Data table dashboard and how it’s used in MindBridge’s General ledger analysis.
Go to the Data table tab
- Select the logo in the MindBridge sidebar. You will go to the Organizations page.
- Select View in line with the desired organization, or click anywhere in the organization row. You will go to the Engagements page.
- Select View in line with the desired engagement, or click anywhere in the engagement row. You will go to the Data page.
- Select View Analysis in line with the desired analysis. You will go to the analysis results.
- Go to the Data table tab.
Tip: If you are already in an engagement, open the Analyze menu ( ) in the MindBridge sidebar, select the analysis you want to see, then go to the Data table tab.
Search by keyword
Keywords (i.e., search terms) can be used to find specific data within the data table, and may be entered as text or numeric values.
When you enter a keyword, MindBridge will identify and display the entries or transactions that contain exact or partial matches for that term in one (or more) of the columns.
For example, if you searched for “expense”, MindBridge might surface entries or transactions with an Account name that contains “Meal expense”, as well as those with a Memo field that contains “Salary expenses with cash”.
You can search in conjunction with filters, as well as use the search results to create advanced filters, populations, and random or risk-stratified samples.
MindBridge matches keywords based on the term’s prefix. For example, if you searched for “pense”, the term “expense” would not be returned as a result, but if you searched for “exp”, it would be. Similarly, if you searched for the value “899”, an entry with a monetary value of “99899.99” would not be returned, but if you searched for “998”, it would be.
Use the search bar
- Enter your desired keyword into the Search field.
- To search, press enter/return on your keyboard, or select the magnifying glass icon (
). The data table displays entries or transactions (depending on the view selected) that match your search criteria.
Use the X icon (on the right side of the search bar) to clear the field and reset the data table.
The Data table dashboard offers basic and advanced filters to help you find specific data.
When filters are applied to this dashboard, they will automatically be selected for use when creating samples and populations.
Basic filters
When multiple basic filters are applied to the dashboard, they are joined by “AND” statements in order to continue narrowing the results.
Default basic filters
- Account: The specific account(s) from the imported dataset.
- Monetary value (Transactions view only):
- Debit value (Entries view only): Surface debit entries based on a specific value or a range of values.
- Credit value (Entries view only): Surface credit entries based on a specific value or a range of values.
- MindBridge score: Surface entries or transactions based on risk scoring.
- Effective date: Surface entries or transactions based on the date that each transaction takes effect, regardless of when it was posted to the ledger.
- Materiality: Surface entries or transactions based on whether they contain amounts above or below the material threshold set by your team.
- Exclude population: Surface entries or transactions that are not included in selected populations.
- Include population: Surface entries or transactions from selected populations.
Select More… to see additional columns that may have been mapped during the import process.
- Company code: Surface entries or transactions based on the unique codes used to identify each distinct company or legal entity within a dataset.
- Entered date: The date the entry or transaction was entered into the journal (also known as the "entry date"), often generated by ERP systems.
- Type: The code used to categorize each entry. For example, AM for Asset Management.
- User ID: The name or identifying code of the user associated with each entry.
- Cost center: The division, department, team, or other function within an organization that costs can be attributed to.
- Document currency key: The denomination used in the original entry or transaction.
- Local currency key: The denomination used by the local operating country or entity.
- Any data columns added for filtering
Apply basic filters
- Open your desired filter menu.
- Depending on the filter type…
- Use the checkboxes to select the items you want to include in the filter, or
- Use the menu options to add additional filter facets (such as monetary values or percentages).
- Once selected, you can use the X icon to remove any selected items from the filter.
- When you are satisfied with the filter, select Apply to apply it to the dashboard. These filters will remain in place as you navigate through the MindBridge platform.
- Select Cancel within the filter menu to discard the filter without applying it to the dashboard.
Select Reset filter to remove applied filters from the dashboard.
Advanced filters
Advanced filters are a powerful tool for managing large datasets and extracting meaningful insights.
Learn how to create, save, and apply advanced filters in MindBridge
Saved filters
If your team has saved any advanced filters (either for personal use or shared within the engagement), you can apply them to the Data table dashboard.
Apply a saved filter
- Open the Actions menu located near the top-right side of the dashboard.
- Select Add from saved filters. A selection window will appear.
- Use the menu on the left side to select the location of the saved filter you want to use:
- Library: Allows you to access filters saved to the library.
- Organization: Allows you to access filters saved to the organization.
- Engagement: Allows you to access filters saved to the engagement.
- Private: Allows you to access filters created by you.
- Select the filter you want to use.
Tip: use the chevron icon (
) to expand the details of each filter to see the rules and conditions that were applied.
When you are satisfied, select Apply to update the Data table dashboard.
Select Cancel anytime to go back without selecting a saved filter.
Rename a saved filter
- Open the Actions menu located near the top-right side of the dashboard.
- Select Add from saved filters. A selection window will appear.
- Use the menu on the left side to select the location of the desire filter.
- Open the more actions menu (
) located to the right of the filter you want to rename.
- Select Rename. A form window appears.
- Enter a new unique name for the filter.
- Optionally, select a different category to save the filter to.
- When you are satisfied, select Apply to save your changes.
Select Back anytime to go back to the filter selection window.
Select Cancel anytime to go back to the Data table dashboard without saving.
Share a saved filter
- Open the Actions menu located near the top-right side of the dashboard.
- Select Add from saved filters. A selection window will appear.
- Use the menu on the left side to select the location of the desired filter.
- Open the more actions menu (
) located to the right of the filter you want to share.
- Select Share. A form window appears.
- Optionally, enter a new unique name for the filter.
- Optionally, select a different category to save the filter to.
- Use the checkboxes to select where you want to share the filter. The current location of the filter cannot be deselected.
- When you are satisfied, select Apply to share the filter to the selected location(s).
Select Back anytime to go back to the filter selection window.
Select Cancel anytime to go back to the Data table dashboard without sharing the filter.
Delete a saved filter
- Open the Actions menu located near the top-right side of the dashboard.
- Select Add from saved filters. A selection window will appear.
- Use the menu on the left side to select the location of the desired filter.
- Open the more actions menu (
) located to the right of the filter you want to delete.
- Select Delete. A confirmation window appears.
- To permanently delete the filter from the saved location, select Delete.
Select Cancel anytime to go back without deleting the filter.
Configure the data table
The data table dashboard can be configured to provide a more effective review of your data.
Learn about the different views available in the data table and how to manipulate and organize columns based on your needs and methodology.
View entries or transactions
The default view is configured by App Admins in the library settings, but you can use the View menu (located above the table) to select whether you want to see transactions or entries listed in the data table.
- Viewing by transactions displays all of the transactions in the dataset.
- Each transaction contains a nested list of its entries. Use the chevron icon (to the left of the transaction ID) to expand and collapse the list.
- Viewing by entries displays every line item in the dataset.
Drill-down to details
Select an entry or transaction within the data table to go to the details page. This page provides information about each of the control point scores for the given entry or transaction.
Sort column contents
Select a column header to sort its contents in ascending or descending order (indicated by the darker triangle). When a column is sorted, the entire table will be reorganized based on your selection.
Reorder columns
Click and drag the desired column header left or right, as desired.
Add and remove columns
Open the Columns menu (on the right side of the table) and check the box next to each column you want to display.
Pin a column
Pinning columns ensures they will stay in view when scrolling horizontally.
Open the menu ( ) on the column header you want to pin and select Pin Column, then choose the pin location on the table: Left, Right or No Pin (“No pin” is the default for most columns).
Create a sample
MindBridge allows you to generate random and risk-stratified samples, based on your needs and methodology.
Learn how to create samples in MindBridge
Create a population
MindBridge allows you to create populations based on data that you want to include or exclude from your analysis results.
Learn how to create populations in your analysis
Learn how to create populations in your library (App Admins only)
Edit populations
If your team has created populations from the analysis results, you can edit populations from the Data table dashboard.
- Use the View menu to select viewing Entries within the data table.
- Open the more actions menu (
) to the right of an entry that belongs to a population.
- Select Edit population.
Tasks allow you to streamline your investigations by focusing on specific entries or transactions of interest. On the data table, you can see the task status of each relevant entry and transaction in the Status column.
Tasks are shared across the engagement using the Audit Plan page, where they are stored and managed, and can be accessed any time.
Task actions
On the Data table dashboard, you can perform actions on tasks you and your team have created. Tasks can be further managed in the Audit Plan.
- Create task: Creates a new task for the entry or transaction that you or your team can follow-up on in the Audit Plan. Learn how to create tasks
- View task: Takes you to the Audit Plan page so you can see the existing task and any recorded work that has been performed. Learn about task details
Mark as normal: Marks the selected items as "normal," indicating that no further investigation is required. Learn about possible task statuses
- If you are marking one or more entries or transactions as normal, you must enter or select the most appropriate audit area category for them.
- If you are marking a previously created task as normal, you will be prompted to enter a description of the change. Use this field to indicate why the task is being marked as normal, including any preliminary assessment of the data.
Export data from the data table
Select entries or transactions to export from the Data table dashboard.
Export transactions and entries
- Use the View menu (located above the table) to select whether you want to see transactions or entries listed in the data table.
- Use the checkboxes to the left of the transactions or entries you want to select for export. Upon selecting the first checkbox, a bulk actions bar appears.
- When you are satisfied with your selection(s), open the Actions menu in the bulk actions bar.
- Select Export selected. A pop-up window appears.
- Check the boxes next to the options you want to include in the export:
- *All entry-level details for entire transaction: When selected, all the entries belonging to a given transaction are included in the export; when deselected, only the entries selected will be exported.
- **Transaction summary header: When selected, high-level summary information about all the entries belonging to a transaction will be included in the export.
- Task details: When selected, columns related to tasks will be included in the export.
- Entry scores: When selected, risk scoring for each entry will be included in the export.
- ***Control point scores: When selected, all control points will be included in the export.
- ***MindBridge score: When selected, the MindBridge score column will be included in the export.
- ***Audit assertion risk scores: When selected, the following columns are automatically included in the export, and cannot be deselected in the Columns menu:
- Existence/Occurence score
- Rights and Obligations score
- Completeness score
- Valuation/Accuracy score
- Presentation/Classification score
- Cut-off score
- Open the Columns menu and check the boxes next to the columns you want to include in the export, or Select all.
- Select your preferred file format**:
- .XLSX (Excel spreadsheet)
- .CSV (comma-separated values)
- When you are satisfied, select Export. The file will appear in your default download location.
You can select Cancel any time to go back to the Data table dashboard.
Anything else on your mind? Chat with us or submit a request for further assistance.