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Library management: Overview

  • Updated


Libraries contain unique configurations of analysis features, permissions, and settings that are applied to engagements that your teams can use. Only one library can be applied per engagement, but any one library can be applied to any number of engagements.

All of the settings in your custom libraries are based on MindBridge default libraries which offer a wide range of financial ratios, filters, risk scores and more, right out of the box. 

Learn how to manage your custom libraries in MindBridge.

Note: Learn more in the Libraries course available on MindBridge Academy.

Go to a specific library

Note: Only App Admins can access the Libraries tab. Learn about user roles
  1. Select the Admin icon ( Admin icon ) near the bottom of the MindBridge sidebar on the left side of the screen. You will go to the User management tab on the Admin page by default.
  2. Go to the Libraries tab. The libraries listed on this page are available for use by your team.
  3. Open the Actions menu to the right of the library you want to see.
  4. Select View Library. The library will open and you will go to the Library details tab be default.
  5. Optionally, select the tab for the analysis type* you want to see settings for (e.g., General ledger).
*Note: Analysis types created from configuration files for Transaction Risk Analytics ("TRA") will not display additional tabs for each type. Instead, all settings for TRA analyses are contained within the configuration file itself.

Overview of library settings

Tip: Review the Library details article for information about the settings available on that tab.

Each analysis type has library settings that can be configured. When you update the library settings of one analysis type, it will impact all analyses of that type in new engagements that use the given library.

Screenshot showing the General ledger tab

The following settings can be configured within the library:

Section Description Available in analysis type tab
Analysis configuration

Control which analysis results dashboards and reports your team can access, as well as other analysis tools and settings.

  • General ledger


Control which default and custom financial ratios your team can access in analysis results dashboards.
  • General ledger


Control which default and custom filters your team can access in analysis results dashboards.
  • General ledger
  • Accounts payable
  • Accounts receivable
Populations Control which custom populations of data your team can access in analysis results dashboards.
  • General ledger
Segments Control which custom segments of data your team can access in analysis results dashboards.
  • General ledger
Risk scores Control which default and custom risk scores (and associated control points) should be run against the data your team will import.
  • General ledger
  • Accounts payable
  • Accounts receivable
Risk ranges Create unique risk range thresholds for low, medium, and high risk items, and manage how each unique range should be applied to risk scoring in the analysis results.
  • General ledger
Custom control points Create new control points based on your firm's methodology and organizational goals.
  • General ledger


Create a library

All newly created libraries acquire settings and permissions from one of two places:

  • An existing library (when creating a new library, this is referred to as a base library), which may be one of MindBridge's default libraries or a custom library you've created.
  • A library configuration file (reach out to your CSM or Account Manager for details).

MindBridge offers default libraries that can be used as-is, or as a base library when creating new custom libraries. New libraries are configured and maintained by an App Admin in your tenant, and contain tailored analysis, risk, and presentation settings to suit specific industry, organizational, and reporting needs. Libraries created by your firm can be used across your whole tenant to help standardize your teams' workflows within MindBridge.

Learn how to create a new library for GL, AP and AR analyses

Learn how to create a new library for TRA analyses

Note: App Admins may restrict how much control users have over control points via the risk scoring permissions in the Library details.

Edit a library

On the Library details tab, you can change the library name and update the default delimiter used in the data.

Once the library has been created, you cannot add, remove, or update any assigned analysis types, industry tags, or account groupings. Some library settings can be overridden at the engagement or analysis level, but these changes will not affect the library itself.

Other settings (such as filters, ratios, populations, etc.) can be updated as needed, however, because library settings are copied into engagements at a specific point in time, updates to a library will not affect existing engagements using that library. To start leveraging updates, your team must create a new engagement to incorporate these changes.

Library usage

This section displays a list of organizations and engagements currently using the given library.

To view an engagement, select the drill-down icon ( Drill-down icon ) in line with the one you want to see.

Archive a library

Archiving a library will have no impact on existing engagements using the library, but archived libraries will no longer appear as a selectable option when creating a new engagement

  1. From the Admin page, go to the Libraries tab.
  2. Open the Actions menu to the right of the library you want to archive.
  3. Select Archive Library. The library will be archived immediately.

Unarchive a library

Unarchiving a library restores it to an active state, and allows it to be selected when creating a new engagement.

  1. From the Admin page, go to the Libraries tab.
  2. Open the Actions menu in line with the library you want to restore.
  3. Select Unarchive Library. The library will be restored immediately.

Delete a library

Libraries that have been created and are not in use by an engagement and that have not been used to create another library can be deleted as desired. If the library is in use, this option will not appear.

  1. From the Admin page, go to the Libraries tab.
  2. Open the Actions menu to the right of the library you want to delete.
  3. Select View Library. You will go to the Library details tab on the Libraries page.
  4. Select Delete, located near the top-right of the page. A confirmation window will appear.
  5. Select the checkboxes to acknowledge the warnings, then select Delete. You will go back to the Libraries tab and the library will be removed from the list.

Select Cancel to go back without deleting the library.

Note: Deleting a library cannot be undone.

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