The sidebar is always located on the left side of your screen, and is used to access different areas of the MindBridge platform.
Select the main menu icon ( ), located just outside the top-right corner of the sidebar, to expand it and reveal details about your navigation options.
Select the close icon ( ) to collapse the sidebar and only display the navigation icons.
Learn how to navigate MindBridge using the sidebar below.
Note: The contents of the sidebar change dynamically as you progress through the app.
Navigate MindBridge with the sidebar
Tip: You can use your browser's back and forward buttons to navigate between the screens you visit in the MindBridge platform.
Logo — Brings you to the Organizations page, which lists the organizations that you can access. Note that the logo may be the MindBridge logo, or your own.
Data* ( ) — Brings you to the landing page for a given engagement. This page houses the data for each analysis in the engagement.
File manager* ( ) — Brings you to a secure storage space for your imported files. All files imported into any of the engagement's analyses will appear here.
Analyze* ( ) — Provides quick access to the results of each analysis in the engagement.
Audit plan* ( ) — Brings you to your task list.
- The name of the organization and engagement you are currently viewing*
Back to all analyses / engagements / organizations ( )* — Brings you back one level from the page you are currently viewing.
Settings ( ) — Select to access the settings available to you:
Analysis settings** — Brings you to the settings for the analysis you are currently viewing.
Engagement settings* — Brings you to the settings for the engagement you are currently within.
Organization settings — Brings you to the settings for the organization you are currently within.
Admin ( ) — Brings you to the settings for user management, account groupings, libraries, and more.
Support ( ) — Select to expand the Customer Support options available to you:
Knowledge base — Brings you to the main page of the MindBridge knowledge base — a self-service portal with 600+ articles, guides, and answers to frequently asked questions about using MindBridge.
Raise a ticket*/*** — Allows you to give MindBridge's Data Support team access to your engagement so they can help you dig into data-driven issues.
Chat with us — Select to open a chat window to chat with us directly.
Call us - Select to open up a call window to speak with an agent.
Notifications ( ) — Select to expand a panel that contains updates on notable activity within the engagement, such as an analysis having run successfully.
Your username — Select your name to expand your MindBridge account menu:
Your account — Lets you see and navigate to the tenants you belong to, as well as your account details.
Sign out — Select this option to sign out of MindBridge.
* Only accessible from within an engagement.
** Only accessible from within a completed analysis.
*** This option may be hidden by your organization. Contact your MindBridge App Admin or Account Manager for more information.
Anything else on your mind? Chat with us or submit a request for further assistance.