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Library settings: Analysis configuration

  • Updated


Analysis configuration allows you to enable and disable analysis results dashboards and reports, as well as other tools and settings so you can streamline your team's workflows in MindBridge.

Learn how to configure the MindBridge platform to create a standardized experience tailored to your firm's methodologies.

Note: Analysis configuration is only possible within General ledger analyses. MindBridge's default libraries are read-only, but can be selected as a base when creating new libraries.

Go to Analysis configuration in the library

Note: Only App Admins can view and manage these library settings. Learn about user roles
  1. Select Admin ( Admin icon ) near the bottom of the MindBridge sidebar on the left side of the screen. You will go to the User Management tab in the Admin settings by default.
  2. Go to the Libraries tab. You will see a list of libraries available in your tenant.
  3. Open the Actions menu in line with the library you want to see.
  4. Select View library. You will go to the Library details tab.
  5. Select the General ledger tab. You will go to the Analysis configuration section by default.

Disable/Enable MindBridge features

Use the toggles to enable and disable each MindBridge feature, as desired. When you are satisfied with your changes, Save your work (located at the bottom-right corner of the page).

Select Discard changes to discard any unsaved changes.

Most MindBridge dashboards, reports, and tools and settings are enabled upon creation of a new library, but the following features are disabled by default:

  1. Expanded transactions detail export to Excel (Tools and settings): Exports to Excel from the Data Table or the Audit Plan are formatted to allow for results of procedures to be documented in-line directly within the spreadsheet.
  2. Required materiality (Tools and settings): Make materiality a required input and block the ability to perform account scoping if it has not been set.
Note: Any analysis using the given library will immediately display updates made to the analysis configuration.


Use the toggles to determine which dashboards should be Enabled (visible) or Disabled (not visible) in analysis results.

Dashboard Description Result of change
Audit assertion risk Displays the risk of each account broken down by assertion.

Enabled by default.


  • Removes the Audit assertion risk tab from the analysis results
  • Disables drill-down option from the Financial statements dashboard
  • Removes Audit assertion risk annotation options
Financial statements Displays horizontal and vertical views of the Income statement and Balance sheet

Enabled by default.


Prior period comparison Displays changes between the current and prior period to see new or changed business processes, seasonality, and more.

Enabled by default.

Disabling removes the Prior period comparison tab from the analysis results


  • At least one prior period of data must be imported into the analysis before this dashboard can be accessed, even when enabled
Ratios Displays default and custom financial ratios over time.

Enabled by default.


  • Removes the Ratios tab from the analysis results
  • Removes the Ratios tab from the Engagement settings
  • Removes the Ratios section from the Significant account report
Risk monitoring

Displays transactions and processes over time, allowing for ongoing assessment of significant changes.


Disabled by default. Can be enabled if the periodic analysis time frame is enabled.

Enabling adds the Risk monitoring tab to the analysis results

Requirements to enable:

Risk overview Displays various transaction-level risk graphs. 

Enabled by default.


Risk segmentation Displays custom segments for entry-level risk.

Enabled by default.

Disabling removes the Risk segmentation tab from the analysis results


Displays period-over-period trends by account.

Enabled by default.


  • Removes the Trends tab from the analysis results
  • Disables drill-down option on the Financial Statements dashboard
  • Removes the Trends section from the Significant account report

Data table view

Use the menu to select whether you want the data table to display entries or transactions by default.

The Data table dashboard cannot be disabled.

Landing page

Select the dashboard you want to see by default when navigating to analysis results.

Note: If the dashboard used as the landing page is disabled, MindBridge will automatically set the landing page to the Data table dashboard.


Use the toggles to determine which reports should be Enabled or Disabled in analysis results.

Reports Description Result of selection change
Balance sheet Includes a list of the assets, liabilities, and capital of the business at quarterly intervals, detailing the balance of income and expenditure over each period.

Enabled by default.

Disabling removes this report from the Reports tab.

Completeness check This report represents the last run analysis and compares the opening balances and general ledger activity against the provided closing balances. Disabling the Completeness check report will also disable the Pre-analysis completeness check, and top-level balances will not be available before running the analysis.

Enabled by default.

Disabling removes this report from the Reports tab.

Income statement Includes a financial reporting summary covering quarterly periods year over year, showing revenues and expenses through operating and non-operating activities.

Enabled by default.

Disabling removes this report from the Reports tab.

Interim roll forward check Compares the interim and final general ledgers, and highlights any changes or errors that occurred to transactions between the interim as-at date and the end of the analysis period. Interim analysis must be enabled to activate the Interim roll forward check.

Enabled by default.

Disabling removes this report from the Reports tab.

Planning analytics Summarizes financial statements and annotations that describe the nature of the balance and/or variances across periods. Financial statements must be enabled to activate the Planning analytics report.

Enabled by default.


  • Removes this report from the Reports tab
  • Removes the Actions menu option for this report on the Financial statements dashboard
Significant account Summarizes financial statement results, relevant analytics such as trends and ratios, and entries selected for examination (pertaining to each account). Financial statements must be enabled to activate the Significant account report.

Enabled by default.


  • Removes this report from the Reports tab
  • Disables the drill-down option for this report on the Financial statements dashboard
Summary of transactional risk Summarizes the overall results of the analysis and allows you to add explanatory details and observations in text. Risk overview must be enabled to activate the Summary of transactional risk report.

Enabled by default.

Disabling removes this report from the Reports tab.

Trended account details Provides a complete set of financial information for accounts on a per month and per year basis, and can be used to generate custom analysis, reports, and ratios.

Enabled by default.

Disabling removes this report from the Reports tab.

Unbalanced transactions check Includes any transactions that have unbalanced debit and credit amounts.

Enabled by default.

Disabling removes this report from the Reports tab.

Tools and settings

Use the toggles to determine which tools and settings should be Enabled or Disabled in analysis results.

Tools and settings Description Result of selection change
Automated scoping The ability to automatically scope accounts based on the materiality value set. Financial statements must be enabled to activate automated scoping.

Enabled by default.

Disabling removes the Automate Scoping action from the scoping process.

Expanded transactions detail export to Excel Exports to Excel from the Data table dashboard or the Audit plan page are formatted to allow for results of procedures to be documented in-line directly within the spreadsheet.

Disabled by default.

Enabling permits automatic formatting when exporting to Excel from the Data table or the Audit plan.

Full analysis The ability to import and analyze a complete general ledger for the given analysis period.

Enabled by default.


  • Removes the Full time frame option during analysis creation
  • Disables interim analysis
    • Removes the Interim time frame option from analysis creation
    • Disables the Interim roll forward check report
Create sample The ability to generate a sample from entries or transactions on the Data table dashboard.

Enabled by default.

Disabling removes the option to create a risk-stratified sample on the Data table dashboard.

Interim analysis The ability to import and analyze a portion of the general ledger prior to the end of the analysis period. Full analysis must be enabled so interim analyses can be converted into full analyses at a later date.

Enabled by default.


  • Removes the Interim time frame option from analysis creation
  • Disables the Interim roll forward check report
MindBridge score MindBridge provides a risk score based on the weighted average of all control point results in the analysis.

Enabled by default.


  • Removes the MindBridge score from tables and filters
  • Disables the Risk overview dashboard
  • Disables the Summary of transactional risk report
Periodic analysis

Allows the ability to import, analyze, and monitor financial and operational data on an ongoing basis.

Disabled by default.


  • Adds the Periodic time frame option to analysis creation
  • Allows you to enable the Risk monitoring dashboard in Dashboards
Required materiality

Allows you to materiality a required input and block the ability to perform account scoping if a material threshold has not been set.

Disabled by default.

Enabling will require your team to add materiality to the analysis results before any automatic account scoping can be performed.

Anything else on your mind? Chat with us or submit a request for further assistance.

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