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Risk segmentation dashboard: Overview

  • Updated


The Risk segmentation dashboard offers a way to slice and dice the general ledger into custom data segments to get you meaningful insights faster. 

Learn about risk segmentation methodology in MindBridge

This dashboard allows you to:

  1. Filter the data in the table to target areas of interest
  2. Create new segments to apply to the table and export the table in .xlsx format
  3. Pivot the segment displayed on the dashboard and configure the segment table as desired
  4. Expand segments to reveal more information
  5. Drill-down to see the entries on the data table or a summary view of the data
  6. Explore the Entry risk over time graph
  7. Explore the Control point breakdown graph

Screenshow showing the Risk segmentation dashboard.png

Configuration details

You must have successfully run an analysis before you can access the analysis results.

Go to the Risk segmentation tab

  1. Select the icon in the MindBridge sidebar
    You will go to the Organizations page.
  2. Select View in line with the desired organization, or click anywhere in the organization row.
    You will go to the Engagements page.
  3. Select View in line with the desired engagement, or click anywhere in the engagement row.
    You will go to the Data page.
  4. Select View Analysis on the desired analysis.
    You will go to the Analyze page.
  5. Select the Risk segmentation tab.

Tip: If you are already in an engagement, open the Analyze menu ( Analyze menu icon ) in the sidebar and select the name of the analysis you want to see, then go to the Risk segmentation tab.

Create a segment

Segments offer a unique look into your data and can be used in many ways. You can create a custom segment within the analysis to see your data laid out in a meaningful way.

Learn how custom segments work

  1. Open the Actions menu near the top-right of the page.
  2. Select Create segment.
    A pop-up window appears, populated with the current segment and dashboard settings.
  3. If you want to start with a blank slate, select Clear all in the top-right corner of the window.
  4. Enter a unique segment name.
  5. Check the box next to Add segment to the library if you want to make the segment available to other engagements using the library.
  6. Select data fields to include in the segment using the checkboxes.
    When you select a data field, it will move to Selected on the left, and is added to the bottom of the Arrange data structure section on the right.
    Deselect checkboxes to remove fields from the segment.
    Note: Populations can be added to the segment individually or by selecting an entire population category, which takes into account all populations within it. The segment table will provide insights into data that "is in" and "is not in" a given population.
  7. Select columns you want to see in the segment table using the checkboxes.
    Deselect checkboxes to remove columns from the segment.
  8. Arrange the data structure with the grab handles ( Move icon ) or use the arrows ( Down arrow icon / Up arrow icon ) to move data fields around one row at a time.
  9. If you want to see a visual indication of risk within the segment table, toggle Display cell visuals to Yes — otherwise the table will display text-only data.
  10. Select Open preview at the bottom-left of the window to see a preview of the segment table.
    You can use this preview to determine the impact and scope of the segment. 
    Select Close preview to go back to segment creation.
    You can update the segment and view previews as many times as you like before saving the segment.
  11. When you are satisfied, Save your work.
    The new segment will be applied to the dashboard. Saved segments will appear in the View segment by menu on the Risk segmentation dashboard.

Select Close any time to go back to the Risk segmentation dashboard without creating a new segment.

Note: Segments can also be created in the library. Library segments are available for use in any engagement that is using the library, and can also be used as a base when creating new segments.

GIF showing how to create a segment.gif

Edit a segment

Segments cannot be edited, but their settings can be copied into new segments which can then be adjusted and saved as desired. 

  1. Open the View segment by menu above the table.
  2. Select the segment you want to work with.
  3. Open the Actions menu near the top-right of the page.
  4. Select Create segment.
    A pop-up window appears, populated with the current segment and dashboard settings. The segment name will show that it is a "Copy of" the original. 
  5. Adjust the new segment as desired (refer to steps 3 to 10 in create a segment).
  6. When you are satisfied with your segment, Save it.
    The new segment will appear at the bottom of the the View segment by menu.

Select Close any time to go back to the Risk segmentation dashboard without applying changes.

Delete risk segments

You can delete custom risk segments as needed. Default risk segments cannot be deleted.

  1. Open the View segment by menu above the table.
  2. Select the delete icon ( Delete icon ) in line with the segment you want to delete.
    A confirmation window appears.
  3. Select Delete to permanently delete the risk segment.

Select Cancel to go back to the Risk segmentation dashboard without deleting the segment.

Drill into a segment

Drilling down lets you gather more information and context around a specific entry.

Drill into the data table

  1. Open the more actions menu ( More ) in line with the row you want to drill into.
  2. Select View entries.
    You will go to the Data table dashboard. 
Note: The filters applied to the Risk segmentation dashboard will also appear above the data table when you drill into the data.

Drill into the risk summary

  1. Open the more actions menu ( More ) in line with the row you want to drill into.
  2. Select View risk summary.
    You will go to the risk summary page for the selected row.

Learn more about the risk summary page

Note: Only rows that have been scored for risk can access the risk summary page.

Use the segment table

Apply filters

Filters that appear on this tab are based on columns mapped during the data import process, and can help you find specific data. 

  1. Open the desired filter menu. 
  2. Use the checkboxes to select the criteria you want to filter for.
  3. When you are satisfied, Apply the filter to the segment table and quickly sift through the data for insights.

Select Reset filter any time to remove applied filters.

Population filters

Population-type filters allow you to include and exclude combinations of populations in the segment table.

  1. Open a population filter menu. 
  2. Use the checkboxes to select the populations you want in the given filter.
  3. Use the Join with menu to determine whether you want selections joined by "AND" or "OR" statements.
  4. When you are satisfied, Apply the filter to the segment table.
    You will see details for data that "is in" and/or "is not in" the given population.
Note: Some populations require additional processing before you can use them on the risk segmentation dashboard. If you see the prompt to Generate population data, select it to add any new populations to the analysis for filtering and other purposes.

Change the segment view

Pivoting the segment view allows you to re-frame the data by segment.

  1. Open the View segment by menu near the top of the dashboard.
  2. Select:

Your selection will be displayed in the table below.

*Note: Risk score is the default segment displayed on the dashboard.

Expand and collapse risk segments

See how each segment in the hierarchy is broken down.

Expand and collapse a single row

  1. Select the chevron icon ( Expand chevron ) beside the segment you want to expand.
    Each row must be expanded individually.
  2. Select the chevron icon ( Collapse chevron ) again to collapse the group.

Expand and collapse all subcategories

  1. Right-click on a row in the segment table.
  2. Select:
    • Expand row to expand a row and all of its subcategories, or
    • Collapse all to collapse a row and all of its subcategories

Sort a column

Sort columns in ascending or descending order by selecting the column header. The darker triangle indicates the sort order.

Reorder columns

Select the desired column header and drag it left or right into its new location.

Add and remove columns

Open the Columns menu on the right side of the table and check the box next to each column you want to display.

Uncheck a box to remove it from the table.

Pin a column

Pinning columns ensures they will stay in view when scrolling horizontally.

Open the menu on the column header you want to pin and select Pin Column, then choose the pin location on the table: Left or Right 

Select No Pin to remove a pin from a column. Once unpinned, you can move it around as needed.

Export the table

Once you have applied your desired segment and applied any necessary filters, you can export the current segment as an .xlsx spreadsheet to share it with others.

  1. Open the Actions menu near the top-right of the page.
  2. Select Export.
    The current segment will be exported to your computer's default download location.

Select Cancel to stop the export and go back to the Risk segmentation dashboard.

Entry risk over time graph

Note: To enable this graph, select any row in the segment table that contains a risk score. The structure of the risk segment you select is displayed below the graph title.

Hover over a vertical bar on the graph to reveal:

  • The interval of time the bar represents
  • The triggered risk levels and the number of entries in each group

Risk levels are all displayed by default, but individual risk levels can be toggled off and on in the legend. When toggled off, the legend item turns grey and the associated bars disappear from the graph.

Select any bar on the graph to drill-down to the data table, where you can review a detailed list of transactions or entries for the selected time frame and risk category.

Change the time interval

By default, the graph displays the data by month.

  1. Open the time interval menu at the top-right of the graph section.
  2. Select the time interval you want the graph to display: 
    • Month: Displays one bar for each month
    • Week: Displays one bar for each week
    • Day: Displays one bar for each day

Control point breakdown graph

Note: To enable this graph, select any row in the segment table that contains a risk score. The structure of the risk segment you select is displayed below the graph title.

Each horizontal bar on the graph indicates by how much the given control point moves the account’s average risk assertion score up or down.

  • Positive values raise the score
  • Negative values lower the score

The total of these bars is the difference in assertion scores between the account under investigation and the average of the same assertion score across all accounts. 

To understand why an account has a high risk score, investigate the highest positive numbers on the graph.

The graph can be interpreted as follows:

  • A large positive number indicates that the control point is a major factor behind the elevated risk score in the account, and may need further investigation.
  • Numbers close to 0 indicate that, at the aggregate level, there is no elevated risk in the account related to the control point.
  • Negative numbers indicate that at the aggregate level, the account shows no sign of risk in the account related to the control point.

Anything else on your mind? Chat with us or submit a request for further assistance.

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