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The Data page: Overview (GL/AP/AR)

  • Updated


When you enter an engagement, you will land on the Data page. This is where all of the analyses you and your team create within a given engagement are stored, and where you will import the data you want MindBridge to analyze. Here, you can interact with and view details of the various files within each analysis.

The Data page allows you to:

  1. Search for an analysis within the engagement
  2. Hide or show archived analyses within the engagement, sort the analyses on the page, and collapse and expand each analysis, as desired
  3. Create a new analysis, roll an analysis forward, duplicate an analysis, connect to a data source, or export one or more analyses
  4. View the import checklist, account grouping and mappings, and analysis settings, as well as duplicate, archive, and delete analyses
  5. Adjust analysis periods, and add and delete prior periods
  6. Import data files into the analysis, such as:
  7. Verify account groupings and mappings and make adjustments as necessary
  8. View details about each imported file, export files from the analysis, restart the import process, replace a file from your computer or from the file manager, and delete files as desired
  9. Run, re-run, or apply changes to an analysis
  10. View the run history for the given analysis

Screenshot showing an example Data page

Note: The image above is for illustrative purposes only. 

View an analysis

Search for an analysis

Search for analyses in the engagement.

  1. Enter the analysis name* into the Search field.
  2. Press enter/return on your keyboard, or select the magnifying glass icon ( Search icon ). Your search results will be returned.
*Tip: If you wanted to find an analysis named "GL Analysis" you could enter "g" into the search field and MindBridge would return it as one of the results.

Hide/Show archived analyses

Control visibility of analyses that were archived within the engagement.

  1. Open the menu to the right of the search field at the top of the Data page.
  2. Select whether you want to:
    • Hide Archived — Archived analyses are hidden from view.
    • Show Archived — Archived analyses appear at the bottom of the page.
Note: Archived analyses are hidden by default.

Sort analyses

Control the order in which the analyses appear on the Data page.

  1. Open the Sort: menu.
  2. Select the way you want the analyses to be arranged on the page:
    • Analysis type (MindBridge supports several analysis types)
    • Last updated
    • Alphabetical (a-z)
    • Alphabetical (z-a)
Note: Analyses are sorted by analysis type by default.

Collapse and expand an analysis

Use the chevron icon to the left of the analysis name to collapse ( Collapse chevron ) or expand ( Expand chevron ) each analysis on this page.

View the import checklist

Keep tabs on which files you need to import in order to access the different capabilities available in MindBridge.

  1. Open the more actions menu ( More actions menu ) located to the right of each analysis' name.
  2. Select View checklist. The checklist will appear on the right side of the given analysis.

Use the import checklist

Expand each section of the checklist with the chevron icon ( Expand chevron ) to reveal details about different capabilities and required files.

MindBridge will track the files you import and update the import checklist as you go, providing helpful guidance for next steps.

Before the analysis is run, you can use the import checklist to:

  • Run a pre-analysis completeness check to help you assess the completeness of the general ledger (located within the Reports dashboard section).
  • Run a compatibility check to determine whether or not your pre-defined populations are compatible with the imported data (located within the Populations section).
Tip: After the analysis has been run, you can use the import checklist to quickly navigate to key dashboards in the analysis results by selecting the arrow icon ( Right arrow icon ) to the right of each section name.

Hide the import checklist

Select the X icon located in the top-right corner of the checklist to close it. The checklist will disappear from view, but can be accessed anytime.

Analysis management

Rename an analysis

You can change the name of an analysis within MindBridge at any time.

  1. Open the more actions menu ( More actions menu icon ) in line with the desired analysis name.
  2. Select Analysis settings. You will go to the Analysis settings page.
  3. Enter a new name for the analysis.
  4. When you are satisfied, Save the changes.

Select Discard changes any time to discard your unsaved changes.

Duplicate an analysis

Analyses that have been run can be duplicated into a different engagement or a new engagement. When an analysis is duplicated, all of its imported data is copied into the new analysis in a pre-run state. This means that although the files do not need to be re-imported, the accounts may need to be verified before the new analysis is run. 

  1. Open the Actions menu, located near the top-right of the Data page.
  2. Select Duplicate analyses.
  3. Select the tab relevant to what you want to do:
  4. Follow the appropriate steps for your selection (below).

Duplicate an analysis into a new engagement

  1. On the New engagement tab, use the checkboxes to select the analyses you want to duplicate into a new engagement.
  2. When you are satisfied, select Duplicate. You will be brought to the Create engagement screen, where you can follow the workflow for creating a new engagement.

Duplicate an analysis into an existing engagement

  1. On the Existing engagement tab, use the Organization menu to select the target organization.
  2. Use the Engagement menu to select the target engagement.
  3. Use the checkboxes to select the analyses you want to duplicate.
  4. When you are satisfied, select Duplicate. The duplication process will begin. Once it has completed, the analysis will be created within the selected target engagement, and you will be brought to the engagement's Data page. The analysis will have the same name, and include the suffix "(Copy)", and the duplicated files will populate the same periods as the original analysis.
  5. If this is the first analysis in the engagement, you must verify the accounts before running the analysis.
Note: Details captured in the run history of the original analysis will not be copied over.

Export an analysis

Select one or more analyses to export from the engagement.

  1. Open the Actions menu, located near the top-right of the Data page.
  2. Select Export analyses. An export window will appear.
  3. Use the checkboxes to select the analyses you want to export.
  4. When you are satisfied, select Export. A zip file with your selected analyses will appear in your default download location.

Select Cancel any time to go back to the Data page without exporting any analyses.

Archive an analysis

Archive an analysis within the engagement.

  1. Open the more actions menu ( More actions menu icon ) to the right of the desired analysis name.
  2. Select Archive. A confirmation window appears.
  3. When you are ready, select Archive. The analysis will be archived and hidden from view.

To unarchive an analysis, follow the same steps but select Unarchive from the menu. The analysis will appear on the Data page and can be accessed.

Note: Once an analysis is archived, the analysis settings become read-only and can be viewed but not edited.

Delete an analysis

Permanently delete an analysis from the engagement.

  1. Open the more actions menu ( More actions menu icon ) to the right of the desired analysis name.
  2. Select Delete. A confirmation window appears.
  3. To permanently delete the analysis, select Delete. The analysis will be removed from the engagement and you will return to the Data page.

Select Cancel any time to go back to the Data page without deleting the analysis.

File management

Note: The instructions below relate to analyses using a full or interim time frame, which only allow for one file per slot. When using a periodic time frame, if multiple files have been imported into the same slot, you can select which file you want to export or delete using the file menu ( File list icon ) next to the file name. 

View file details

  1. Select the info icon ( Information icon ) located to the right of an imported file within a given analysis, or open the more actions menu ( More actions menu ) in line with any file that has been imported into an analysis then select View details. The File details window will open, and you will see the General information tab.
  2. Select each tab to reveal relevant details about the imported file:
    • General information — Provides high-level information about the data and whether or not it has been modified.
    • Column mapping — Displays MindBridge columns and how they are currently mapped to the accounts in the imported data.
    • Analysis period — Displays the number of entries within the given analysis period and flags any conflicts in the data.
    • Integrity checks — Outlines the integrity of the imported data as determined by MindBridge.

Select Close or use the X icon to close the File details window.

Export files from an analysis

Save copies of your files to your computer.

  1. Open the more actions menu ( More actions menu ) in line with the desired file.
  2. Select one of the following:
    • Export original file — The original version of the file (for the periodic time frame, this will be the most recently imported file).
    • Export modified file — A file that contains changes made within MindBridge, such as split or joined columns (for the periodic time frame, this will be the most recently imported file).
      Note: This option only appears if changes were made within MindBridge.
    • Export all files — In the case of a periodic analysis time frame where multiple files have been imported, this option allows you to export all imported files.
      Note: This option only appears for General ledger analyses using the periodic time frame.

The export will appear in your default download location.

Note: Deleted files will not be included in any analysis exports.

Restart the file import process

Restart the import process for a given file.

  1. Open the more actions menu ( More actions menu ) to the right of the desired file.
  2. Select Restart import. A confirmation window will appear.
  3. When you are ready, select Confirm. The file will return to a pre-import state.
  4. Select Continue. You will go to the first step in the import process.
Tip: You can restart the import process of files that have already been analyzed. Unless deleted from the analysis, data and files from each analysis run will be available to view and export via the Run history section.

Replace a file with one from your computer

Replace a given file* in the analysis.

  1. Open the more actions menu ( More actions menu ) to the right of the desired file.
  2. Select Replace file from computer.
  3. Find and select the file you want to import from your computer. A confirmation window will appear.
  4. When you are ready, Delete the original file. MindBridge will remove the original file and load the new file into the analysis*.
  5. Once the new file has loaded, select Continue. You will go to the first step in the import process.
Tip: You can replace files that have already been analyzed. Unless deleted from the analysis, details about each analysis run will be available to view via the Run history.
*Note: A copy of the original file will remain in the File manager, and a copy of the new file will be loaded into the File manager automatically.

Replace a file with one from the File manager

Replace a given file* in the analysis.

  1. Open the more actions menu ( More actions menu ) in line with the desired file.
  2. Select Replace file from file manager.
  3. Find and select the file you want to import from the File manager.
  4. When you are ready, Replace the original file. MindBridge will remove the original file and load the new file in its place.
  5. Once the new file has loaded, select Continue. You will go to the first step in the import process.
Tip: You can replace files that have already been analyzed. Unless deleted from the analysis, details about each analysis run will be available to view via the Run history.
*Note: A copy of the original file will remain in the File manager.

Delete a file

Permanently remove a given file from the analysis.

  1. Open the more actions menu ( More actions menu ) in line with the desired file.
  2. Select Delete file. A confirmation window will appear.
  3. When you are ready, Delete the file. It will be removed from the analysis and you will return to the Data page.
Note: A copy of the file will remain in the File manager. Deleted files will not be included in any analysis exports, and will not be available to export from previous analysis runs using the Run history section.

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