The Data page is a cumulative import source, and each import contributes to the account mapping conditions of the engagement. Accounts can be mapped manually within MindBridge, or automatically by importing a chart of accounts or account list file.
Learn how to import a chart of accounts or an account list into a General ledger analysis.
Go to the Data page
- Select the logo in the MindBridge sidebar. You will go to the Organizations page.
- Select View in line with the desired organization, or click anywhere in the organization row. You will go to the Engagements page.
- Select View in line with the desired engagement, or click anywhere in the engagement row. You will go to the Data page for that particular engagement.
Tip: If you are already in an analysis, use the sidebar to go to the Data ( ) page.
Select files to import
MindBridge supports several ways to select and import files.
Method 1: Drag and drop or browse
- On the Data page, drag and drop the file from your computer into the appropriate period of the Chart of Accounts row, or select Browse... to find it on your computer.
- Once the file has loaded, select Continue. You will go to the Data Validation step in the import process.
Method 2: Browse file manager
- On the Data page, select Browse... in the appropriate period of the Chart of Accounts row.
- Select Browse file manager from the menu. A selection window appears.
- Select the file you want to use.
- When you are satisfied, Import the file. The file imports into your analysis.
- Once the file has loaded, select Continue. You will go to Data Validation, the first step in the import process.
Method 3: Import using a data connector
Data connectors allow you to import all available data needed for analysis at once.
- On the Data page, you can invite a client to connect or connect yourself to a data connector.
- Once the file has loaded, select Continue. You will go to the Data Validation step in the import process.
Learn about bulk importing using a connector.
Step 1: Data validation
This is the first step of the import process, where you can verify the accuracy and completeness of the data by reviewing file details and integrity checks performed on the data. You can reveal additional details by expanding the column preview section. These details can help you determine whether the data has critical issues, or if you can proceed with it as it is.
When you are satisfied that the data is correct, select Next to continue to the Map Columns step of the import process.
At any point you can select Close to go back to the Data page.
Learn more about data validation
Step 2: Map columns
This step allows you to map data fields from the imported file to MindBridge's required columns, so MindBridge can effectively read, understand, and apply analytics to the data.
MindBridge will attempt to map columns based on their name, so it's important to verify that all mappings are correct.
- Drag and drop relevant fields from the Your Data Column Headers section into the appropriate field beneath Mapped Columns.
- If your data columns do not line up one-to-one with the MindBridge columns, use the more actions menu (
) to split, join, or duplicate columns to make the needed adjustments, or add a column for filtering.
- When you are satisfied, select Next to proceed. You will go back to the Data page.
Select Back to go back to the Data Validation step.
At any point you can select Close to go back to the Data page. MindBridge will save your progress.
Next steps: Verify accounts
To ensure that accounts have been mapped properly, you must verify the account mappings. Some manual adjustment of mapped accounts may be required.
- On the Data page, open the more actions menu (
) and select View accounts. You will go to the Account grouping step.
- Select Next. You will go to the Account mapping step.
- Use the Account group menu in the table to change the MAC code mapping of an account, or open the Actions menu and select Import account list to import an updated account list or chart of accounts.
- If you have unused mappings, open the Actions menu and select Remove unused mappings.
- When you are satisfied with the accuracy of the account mapping, select Next. You will go to the Review step.
- If you are certain the accounts have been mapped correctly, select Done. You will return to the Data page.
At any point you can select Back to go back to the Account grouping step, or Cancel to go back to the Data page.
Anything else on your mind? Chat with us or submit a request for further assistance.