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Add additional columns for filtering

  • Updated


During the Map Columns step of the import process, there are fields that MindBridge requires in order to effectively analyze your data, but you can also join columnssplit a column, and duplicate column data for more flexibility, as well as add columns for filtering (including any columns modified within MindBridge). 

When you add columns for filtering, they are not analyzed in MindBridge as part of your analysis, but you can use these columns to find specific data within several analysis results dashboards.

Learn how to add columns that can be used to filter your analysis results in MindBridge.

Add additional columns for filtering

Note: This action is only applicable to columns that have not been mapped.
  1. During the Map Columns step, open the more actions menu ( More actions menu icon ) to the right of the desired column.
  2. Select Add additional column.
    A pop-up window appears.
  3. You have the option to change the column name using the Header Name field.
    You will see a preview of the first 2 cells in the selected column, which you can use to ensure you have selected the correct data.
  4. When you are satisfied, Save your work.
    The column will be added to the analysis as filters and you will be taken back to the Map Columns step. These columns are displayed below Additional columns, located at the bottom right of this page.

When you add columns for filtering, a new section appears within the given analysis on the Data page, where you can import additional data to provide more context to certain analysis results.

For example, if you added the "Company code" column for filtering, you would be able to filter on the analysis results using various company codes, but without any context these codes can be confusing to work with. Importing additional data into the "Company code mapping" slot (i.e., a mapping file to gives meaning to those codes) can help make filtering more intuitive.

Screenshot showing an example of a column added for filtering on the Data page.png

Where will columns for filtering appear in analysis results?

Trends dashboard

In general ledger analyses, any columns added for filtering appear in the menus above the graph.

Prior period comparison dashboard

In general ledger analyses, any columns added for filtering appear in the menus near the top of the page.

Risk overview dashboard

Added columns appear as filters on the Risk overview dashboard and in the Risk by graph.

Learn more about filtering on the Risk overview dashboard and the Risk by graph in GL, AP and AR analyses.

Risk segmentation

In GL analyses and Transaction Risk Analytics ("TRA") analyses, any columns added for filtering appear in the menus above the table.

Audit assertion risk dashboard

In general ledger analyses, any columns added for filtering appear in the menus above the table.

Data table dashboard

Added columns appear as filters in the filter builder on the data table, as well as sortable columns.

Best practices

Filtering is designed for categorical columns, and as a result, the number of unique entries in the column must be under 10,000.

Note: Only the first 250 items will be displayed in the menu, but all items can be found by using the search bar within the menu.


Here are some examples of common column headers that are often added for filtering:

  • User ID
  • Company Code
  • Region
  • Fund ID
  • Project ID
  • Type
  • Program ID
  • Vendor

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