Engagement settings allow you to tailor the permissions and settings of a specific engagement, which are initially determined by the library that the engagement is using. Changes made within the engagement settings will override library settings, but will not affect the library itself.
Learn about engagement settings and how they are applied in MindBridge.
Go to the engagement settings
- Select the logo in the MindBridge sidebar. You will go to the Organizations page.
- Select View in line with the organization you want to see, or click anywhere in the row. You will go to the Engagements page.
- Select the settings icon (
) in line with the desired engagement. You will go to the General settings tab on the Engagement settings page.
General settings
The General settings tab is the default tab on the Engagement settings page.
You can update information in any of the following fields. Fields marked with an asterisk ( * ) cannot be left blank.
When you are satisfied with your changes, select Save to apply them to the engagement.
- *Engagement name: The name given to the engagement.
- Audit period end date: The last day of the occurring audit.
- Billing code: The codes used to associate engagements and analyses with specific clients to help ensure those clients are billed appropriately.
- Fiscal start month: The month in which the fiscal period begins.
- Fiscal start day: The day of the month on which the fiscal period begins.
- Reporting frequency: How often the financial data is reported.
- *Industry: The primary business activities of the company under audit. You can select a pre-populated option from the menu or enter your own into the field.
- *ERP: The system from which you will be exporting financial data. You can select a pre-populated option from the menu or enter your own into the field.
- *Engagement lead: The primary contact responsible for leading the audit. They will receive any proactive communication from Customer Support about financial management system documentation, support, etc.
The following settings are read-only and cannot be updated:
- *Library: The library applied to the current engagement, which is comprised of your organization's filters, ratios, populations, segments, risk scores, control point settings, and account grouping. Libraries are configured and managed by your App Admin. Learn more about libraries
- *MindBridge base library: The original source of the settings used in the applied library.
- *Account grouping: The master list of accounts that the library is based on. For example, MindBridge Account Classification ("MAC") codes.
Access management
The Access management settings display a list of which of your teammates have access to the engagement and which user role they have been assigned.
Here you can also grant a user access to the engagement, and if your user role permits, remove access as well.
Roles and permissions
User roles | Permissions |
Manager | Managers have access to all engagements within the organization by default. They cannot have their access to an engagement removed. |
Auditor | Auditors can be added to specific engagements within an organization. They have limited access within the engagement and can load data, create tasks, and export reports but cannot change any engagement settings. |
Client | Clients can be added to an engagement to load data via a data connector. They cannot access any information regarding the engagement outside of the data connector they were invited to. |
Grant a user access
- Select Grant access. A form window appears.
- Enter the name or email address of the person(s) you want to add to the engagement. You can add as many of your team members as desired.
- When you are satisfied, select Save to grant the selected users access.
Note: Can only grant engagement access to existing MindBridge users. New users to the platform can only be added by App Admins.
Once selected, use the X icon to the left of a user's name to remove a given user, or use the X icon on the right side of the field to remove all selected users.
Use the X icon in the top-right corner of the window to close the window without granting anyone access.
Remove user access
If your role permits, you can choose to revoke access permissions of one or more users at once.
- Select the checkbox beside the user(s) you want to remove. A bulk actions bar appears.
- Open the Actions menu within the bar.
- Select Remove Access. A confirmation window appears.
- If you are certain that you want to remove the selected users from the engagement, select Confirm. The users will disappear from the list and will no longer have access to the engagement. You will be brought back to the Access management tab.
Select Cancel anytime to go back to the Access management tab without removing anyone's access.
General ledger settings
Create custom ratios, edit and duplicate existing ratios, and select which ratios to leverage on the Ratios dashboard within your engagement.
Learn more about ratios in the engagement settings
Populations are a way of slicing and dicing your data in MindBridge, and can be set up to find or exclude entries from sampling to help you narrow your focus.
When an engagement is created, library populations are copied into the engagement settings and shared with all analyses within the engagement. Populations from completed analyses can also be added to the engagement settings for use in future engagements.
Learn more about populations in the engagement settings
Account structure
The account structure (i.e., the account grouping) of an organization's financial statements, broken down into distinct account groups that you can view and edit based on your needs and methodology.
If you have imported at least a general ledger file into the engagement, the overall account balances can be seen on the right side of the page.
Learn more about the account grouping used in your engagement
Risk scores
Risk score settings can be tailored within an engagement to better serve your organization's unique needs. You can adjust control point weights, add or remove control points from a risk score, and disable risk scores.
Learn more about risk scores in the engagement settings
Anything else on your mind? Chat with us or submit a request for further assistance.