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Activity report: Overview

  • Updated


The Activity report is a centralized change log that provides information about the important activities (or "events") that occur in various areas of your MindBridge tenant.

Learn about the structure of the Activity report below, as well as how to run an Activity report based on various criteria of your choosing.

Note: Learn more in the Activity & row usage report course available on MindBridge Academy.

Included in the report




The date that the event took place in YYYY-MM-DD format

Time (UTC)

The exact time that the event took place in HH:MM:SS format


The email address associated with the user who caused the event.

Event category

The grouping used to categorize the different event types.

Event type

The specific event that took place.

Learn about event types


The organization in which the event took place.

Client ID

The client ID for the organization in which the event took place.


The engagement in which the event took place.

Billing code

The billing code for the engagement in which the event took place.


Whether or not the event took place in a test environment.


The name of the analysis in which the event took place.

Analysis type

The analysis type of the analysis in which the event took place.

Learn about analysis types


Depending on the event, the name of:

  • The relevant data file
  • The exported report
  • The relevant filter, ratio, population, segment, control point, risk score, or risk range
  • The relevant account grouping
  • The relevant library, organization, engagement, or analysis

Target user

The user impacted by a user management event.


The level of access being assigned to the target user.

Learn about user roles in MindBridge

Library name

The library used by the engagement in which the event took place.


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