The audit plan you and your team put together in MindBridge can be exported in .csv and .xlsx format so you can start investigating each task.
Learn about the information found within the audit plan export based on whether you have exported the .csv version or the .xlsx version.
Export details for CSV files
The CSV version of an audit plan export contains a single sheet that may include any of the following columns, as desired:
- Task details*
- MindBridge Score
- Audit assertion risk scores:
- Existence/Occurence Score
- Rights and Obligations Score
- Completeness Score
- Valuation/Accuracy Score
- Presentation/Classification Score
- Cut-off Score
- Every control point score
- Transaction ID
- Account ID
- Account name
- Effective date
- Memo
- Debit
- Credit
- User
- Status
- Task Type
- Sample Method
- Description
- Reporter
- Assignee
- Filters applied as of task creation
- Audit Areas
- Audit Assertions
- Sample
- Comments
Export details for XLSX files
The XLSX version of an audit plan export contains at least 3 sheets:
- Data sheet (for each analysis type)
- Settings sheet (for each analysis type)
- Summary sheet
Data sheet
This sheet provides information about the analysis' transactions/entries, tasks, and control points.
Transaction/Entry columns | Task columns | Control point columns |
Each control point used in the analysis is represented in this section. |
Settings sheet
This sheet provides information regarding the settings used with this export, and includes the following information:
- Analysis name
- Analyzed on
- Materiality
- Rationale
- Fiscal start month
- Fiscal start day
- Frequency
- Accounting package
- Industry
Control points, audit assertion scores, and settings are also included on this sheet, as well as the following column headers:
- Control points
- Library Default Weight
- Current Weight
- Last Modification By
- Reason For Deviation
- Date Setting Changed
- Default suspicious keywords
- Suspicious keywords
- Default complex transaction keywords
- Complex transaction keywords
- Default manual entries
- Manual entries
- High dollar top percentage
- Materiality amount
- Old invoice day threshold
- End of reporting period threshold
- End of analysis period threshold
This sheet outlines high-level details about the export, such as:
- Engagement’s name
- When it was exported
- Library applied to the analysis
- Name of the analysis
- Filters applied while generating the export
Anything else on your mind? Chat with us or submit a request for further assistance.