Learn about the details you can expect to see on this page.
Overview of task details
This page contains high-level information about the task you or. The top section provides an indication of whether or not the task was created on an entry or a transaction, as well as the transaction number associated with the task.
- Analysis name: The analysis that the task was created in
- Audit areas: The audit areas associated with the task
- Assertions: The assertions associated with the task
- MindBridge score: The overall score assigned to the entry or transaction | Learn about the MindBridge score for GL analyses, and for AP/AR analyses
- Created by: The user who created the task
- Assignee: The user assigned to the task, if one exists
- Date added: The date the task was created
- Status: The task's current status | Learn about task statuses
- Description: The purpose of the task, if one was supplied
- History: An overview of changes made to the task, such as status changes and text added
The table below provides additional context about the relevant entry or transaction.
- Transaction ID: The specific transaction number
- MindBridge score: The overall score assigned to the transaction
- Type: The type of data detected within the column
- Effective date: The date the transaction was posted to the general ledger
- Monetary value: The total value of the transaction
- Number of entries: The total number of entries within the transaction
- Populations: The populations that the transaction appears within, if any
The transaction will be expanded by default so you can see the the entries within it and additional context about them.
Use the chevron icon beside the transaction ID to collapse ( ) or expand (
) the transaction contents.
You may be able to perform any the following actions on entries and transactions within the table:
Add annotations or comments (
) to an entry or transaction — annotations are indicated with a red dot over the icon
Mark an open task as normal (
) to indicate it is part of the business' standard process | Learn about task statuses
Create a new task (
) on an entry within a given transaction
View task details (
) of a related entry or transaction
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