Account tags help you organize your accounts and create filters. Use the account tags supplied by MindBridge, or add your own to help you find entries or transactions in your analysis results.
App Admins can add and remove account tags within an account grouping in the Admin settings, before the account grouping is published. Once published, the account tags can only be updated within an engagement.
Once an engagement has been created, any MindBridge user can add and remove account tags though the engagement, either through the Verify accounts workflow or the Engagement settings.
Note: All analyses within a given engagement use the same account grouping and mappings.
Learn how to add and remove account tags within your engagement below.
Access the account tags in your engagement
- On the Data page of your engagement, open the more actions menu ( ) in line with the analysis name.
- Follow the most appropriate course of action:
- If the accounts have not yet been verified, select Verify accounts. You will go to the Account grouping step of the Verify accounts workflow.
- If the accounts have already been verified, open the more actions menu ( ) in line with the analysis name and select View accounts. You will go to the Account grouping step of the Verify accounts workflow.
- Select Next to go to the Account mapping step, where you can manage the account tags for each account.
Add an account tag
- On the Account mapping step, select the field in the Account tags column in line with the desired account. The account tags menu will open.
- Select the tag you want to add from the list, or enter your own* then press enter/return on your keyboard to add the account tag to the given account.
- When you are satisfied, select Next at the bottom of the page. You will go to the Review step.
- If further changes are needed, you can make them on the Review step as well. If not, select Done to finalize the accounts. You will go back to the Data page. If an analysis has been run, you will be prompted to re-run it — new account tags will not be applied to the analysis results until you re-run the analysis.
Select Cancel any time to go back to the Data page.
Add account tags to multiple accounts
- On the Account mapping step, check the boxes to the left of each account you want to add new account tags to. A bulk actions bar will appear once the first checkbox is selected.
- Open the Actions menu within the bar.
- Select Add account tags. A selection window will appear.
- Open the menu in this window then select the tag you want to add from the list, or enter your own* then press enter/return on your keyboard to add the account tag to the given accounts. You can add as many new account tags as desired.
- When you are satisfied, select Done. You will go back to the Account mapping step and the account tags will appear in line with the selected accounts.
- When you are satisfied, select Next at the bottom of the page. You will go to the Review step.
- If further changes are needed, you can make them on the Review step as well. If not, select Done to finalize the accounts. You will go back to the Data page. If an analysis has been run, you will be prompted to re-run it. New account tags will not be applied to the analysis results until you re-run the analysis.
Select Cancel any time to go back to the Data page.
Remove an account tag
- On the Account mapping step, in the Account tags column in line with the desired account, select the X icon to the left of the account tags you want to remove from the given account.
- When you are satisfied, select Next at the bottom of the page. You will go to the Review step.
- If further changes are needed, you can make them on the Review step as well. If not, select Done to finalize the accounts. You will go back to the Data page. If an analysis has been run, you will be prompted to re-run it. Account tags will not be removed from the analysis results until you re-run the analysis.
Select Cancel any time to go back to the Data page.
Remove multiple account tags
- On the Account mapping step, check the boxes to the left of each account you want to remove account tags from. A bulk actions bar will appear once the first checkbox is selected.
- Open the Actions menu within the bar.
- Select Remove account tags. A selection window will appear.
- Use the X icon to the left of account tags you want to remove.
Alternatively, use the X icon on the right side of the menu to remove all applied account tags. - When you are satisfied, select Done. You will go back to the Account mapping step and the account tags will be removed from the selected accounts.
- When you are satisfied, select Next at the bottom of the page. You will go to the Review step.
- If further changes are needed, you can make them on the Review step as well. If not, select Done to finalize the accounts. You will go back to the Data page. If an analysis has been run, you will be prompted to re-run it. Account tags will not be removed from the analysis results until you re-run the analysis.
Select Cancel any time to go back to the Data page.
Anything else on your mind? Chat with us or submit a request for further assistance.