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Engagement settings: Ratios

  • Updated


Ratios provide a quick snapshot of an entity's financial health and performance. The library applied to your engagement comes with a unique set of default financial ratios consisting of account groupings, algebraic operations, meta values, and constants, to help you save time and gain efficiency.

Default ratios can be updated and removed from your custom libraries as needed, and you can use MindBridge's ratio builder to create financial ratios for your teams to use.

Learn how to manage custom ratios within an engagement.

Go to ratios in the engagement settings

  1. Select the logo in the MindBridge sidebar. You will go to the Organizations page.
  2. Select View in line with the organization you want to see, or click anywhere in the row. You will go to the Engagements page.
  3. Select the settings icon ( Settings icon ) in line with the desired engagement. You will go to the General settings tab on the Engagement settings page.
  4. Select the tab for the analysis type you want to see settings for:
    • General ledger
    • Accounts payable
    • Accounts receivable
  5. Select Ratios in the left-side menu. You will see a list of various financial ratios.
Tip: If you are already in an engagement, select Settings ( Settings icon ) within the sidebar, then go to Engagement settings. Select the tab for the analysis type you want to see settings for, then select Ratios in the left-side menu. 


The Ratios screen within the Engagement settings displays all available ratios within the engagement. Ratios are grouped into categories, and are separated by level:

  1. Library ratios: Ratios defined by the library your engagement is using.
  2. Engagement ratios: Ratios that were created within your engagement.
Note: Engagement ratios are created by editing or duplicating a library ratio. Once created, these ratios may be promoted to the library for use across all engagements using that library.

Search for ratios

Enter the name of the ratio you want to find (in part or in full) in the search bar, then press enter/return on your keyboard, or select the magnifying glass icon ( Search icon ) in the search bar to conduct the search.

View ratios

Use the chevron icon ( Expand chevron ) in line with the ratio name to expand the ratio you want to view. You will see the formula used in the ratio in read-only format.

Enable and disable ratios in MindBridge

If you do not want to include a ratio in your analysis, you can turn ratios on and off with the Enabled/Disabled toggles.

  • Enabled: The ratio will be displayed on the Ratios dashboard of any general ledger analysis within the engagement.
  • Disabled: The ratio will be hidden from view in all analyses within the engagement.

Create ratios

You can create new ratios within the Engagement settings as needed. 

  1. Select Create ratio at the top of a category. A form window will appear.
  2. Enter a ratio name.
  3. Select a Category from the menu, or enter a new category with your keyboard.
  4. Use the Additional details in the text field to describe the ratio and help your team understand its purpose.
  5. Open the Add menu to select conditions (accounts, numerators and denominators) to add to your ratio as needed. For more information on ratios, review our article about the ratio builder.
  6. When you are satisfied, select Create Ratio.* The ratio you created will be added to the Ratios dashboard. 
*Note: Ratios will only be available for use in the engagement in which they were created. To apply a ratio across multiple engagements, select the Add Ratio to Library checkbox (located at the bottom-left corner of this window) before creating the ratio.

Edit ratio settings

The ratios in your engagement are essentially copies of the ratios that appear in the library used by the engagement. You can edit library and engagement ratios within the Engagement settings, but these changes will not be applied to the original ratios in the library.

Note: When a library-level ratio is edited, MindBridge creates a duplicate of the ratio that can be manipulated as needed. This new ratio can be added to the library for use in future engagements.
  1. Select the edit icon ( Edit icon) in line with the ratio you want to edit. A form window will appear.
  2. Adjust the ratio name, category, additional details, and conditions as needed.
  3. To save the ratio to the library, select the checkbox next to Add Ratio to Library.
  4. When you are satisfied, select Update (or Create Ratio) to save your changes. Ratio changes will appear within the engagement.

Duplicate ratios

You can duplicate a ratio to manipulate it without impacting the original ratio.

  1. Select the duplicate icon ( Copy icon ) in line with the ratio you want to duplicate. A form window will appear.
  2. Adjust the ratio name, category, additional details, and conditions as needed.
  3. When you are satisfied, select Update (or Create Ratio) to save your changes. You will go back to the Ratios screen and your changes will appear within the engagement.
Note: Ratios will only be available for use in the engagement in which they were created. To apply a ratio across multiple engagements, select the Add Ratio to Library checkbox before finalizing the ratio.

Delete a ratio

You can delete ratios as needed within the engagement without impacting original ratios in the library.

  1. Select the delete icon ( Delete icon ) in line with the ratio you want to delete. A confirmation window will appear.
  2. When you are satisfied, select Delete to permanently delete the ratio from the engagement. The ratio will be removed and you will go back to the Ratios screen.

Anything else on your mind? Chat with us or submit a request for further assistance.

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