When you drill into a row on the segment table, you will be brought to the risk summary page, which provides additional details about the selected segment:
- Selected segment table
- Control points section
- Monetary value risk over time graph
- Risk by graph
- Risk by monetary value
- Leave an annotation or comment
- Export an element on the page
Go to the risk summary page
- From the Risk segmentation tab, open the more actions menu (
) in line with the row you want to learn more about.
- Select View risk summary.
You will go to the risk summary page for the selected segment.
Selected segment table
The section at the top of the page contains a high-level view of the selected segment. If other items exist at the same level, they will also appear within this table.
You can see the filters applied above the table, and the data structure that was used below the table.
To see filters applied:
Select View above the table (on the right side of the screen) to see the filter(s) applied.
Select Close to hide the filter(s) applied from view.
In the image of the Risk segmentation dashboard below, you can see that beneath the department FINN, there are 3 unique job numbers: J001, J005, and J006. If you drill into the risk summary page for any of those job numbers, all 3 will appear within the summary, and the one you selected will be highlighted.
Control points section
The Control points section is located on the right side of the screen, and lists the number of transactions in the general ledger flagged by each control point in the overall MindBridge score, based on control-point-specific criteria.
Control points are listed in ascending order, starting with control points with the highest number of associated transactions. For transparency, control points with zero ("0") corresponding transactions appear on this list as well.
Use the drill-down icon ( ) to the right of a control point to go to the data table and review the list of associated transactions.
Impact on risk scoring
Control points are weighted to have a precise impact on risk scores. The control points displayed in the list on this page may be:
- Contributing to the risk score — These control points have a weight between 1 and 100 and contribute to the MindBridge score.
- Not contributing to the risk score — These control points have a weight of 0 and do not contribute to the MindBridge score.
Unavailable with current data — These control points could not be run against the dataset due to missing files or column mappings.
Monetary value risk over time graph
This line graph allows you to see the flow of entry risk over time by monetary value.
Hover over a point on the graph to reveal details:
- The month, week, or day that the point represents
- Whether the entries are grouped by low, medium, or high risk
- The total monetary value of the segment
- The number of entries present in the segment
Use the legend to the right of the graph to toggle each risk level off or on. Inactive risk levels are indicated in grey, and do not appear in the graph.
Select a point on the graph to drill-down to the data table. The risk segment you selected will be applied to the data table as filters, which will return a list of entries that fall within the indicated risk level for that point in time. If you leave the data table, these filters will persist whenever you return.
Change the time interval
By default, the graph displays the data in monthly intervals. To change this, open the date menu in the top-right corner of the graph, then select to view by Month, Week, or Day.
Change the time window
By default, the graph displays data from all dates within the current period. To narrow the scope of the graph, click and drag the time slider below the graph to the desired range.
Risk by graph
This bar graph allows you to investigate the segment's monetary value within the context of various pivots.
Hover over a bar on the graph to reveal details:
- The pivot you selected
- Whether the entries are grouped by low, medium, or high risk
- The total monetary value of the segment
- The number of entries present in the segment
Use the legend to the right of the graph to toggle each risk level off or on. Inactive risk levels are indicated in grey, and do not appear in the graph.
Select a bar on the graph to drill-down to the data table. The risk segment will be applied to the data table as filters, which will return a list of entries that fall within the indicated risk level for that point in time. If you leave the data table, these filters will persist whenever you return.
Change the "Risk by" pivot
Open the Risk by menu in the top-left of the graph, then select the pivot you want to view. The X-axis will be updated based on your selection.
Change the "Show" pivot
Be default, this graph shows "All" results by "Total value", but you can limit results with the Show and by menus.
Risk by monetary value graph
This scatterplot graph allows you to see risk by monetary value.
Hover over a dot on the graph to reveal details:
- The transaction ID associated with the selected segment
- The account name associated with the selected segment
- The total monetary value of the segment
- The risk level associated with the selected segment
Risk levels in the legend cannot be toggled off.
Select a dot on the graph to drill-down to the data table. The risk segment will be applied to the data table as filters, which will return a list of entries that fall within the indicated risk level for that point in time. If you leave the data table, these filters will persist whenever you return.
Change the "Show" pivot
Be default, this graph shows "All" results by "Total value", but you can limit results with the Show and by menus.
- Select the annotation icon (
) in line with the element you want to annotate on.
If annotations have been previously added, they will be listed here, as well as the number of comments on each annotation. - Select Add annotation to create a new annotation.
You will see the name of the component and any filter(s) applied. - Enter your annotation in the text box.
- When you are satisfied, Save your work.
If this is the first annotation on a component, a red dot will appear over the annotation icon to indicate that an annotation has been added.
Select Cancel any time to go back to the risk summary view without saving your annotation.
Learn about working with annotations.
Select the export icon ( ) in line with the title of the element you want to export. It will be exported as an .xlsx file.
Anything else on your mind? Chat with us or submit a request for further assistance.