Populations are a different way of slicing and dicing your analysis results in MindBridge. You can use them to exclude entries that you know are not risky (e.g., monthly accrual reversals) or are tested separately (e.g., equity). You can also create populations to help you better focus your attention on specific areas or business processes of interest.
Once you have a population set up, you can use the Populationsfilter to find or exclude entries on the the Risk segmentation and Data table dashboards. This can help to provide deeper insights by reducing noise in your analysis.
Learn about creating and managing populations in the analysis settings below.
Note: The Analysis settings page contains populations created in the library, within the analysis, and within the analysis settings. Changes made to the analysis settings will override engagement and library settings within the given analysis, but will not affect the original populations.
Go to populations in the analysis settings
Select the logo in the MindBridge sidebar. You will go to the Organizations page.
Select View in line with the organization you want to see, or click anywhere in the row. You will go to the Engagements page.
Select View in line with the engagement you want to see, or click anywhere in the row. You will go to the Data page.
Select View Analysis in line with the desired analysis. You will go to the Analyze page.
Select Settings ( ) in the sidebar, then select Analysis settings. You will go to the General settings tab.
Go to the Populations tab. You will see lists of available populations.
Tip: If you are already in an analysis, select Settings ( ) within the sidebar, then select Analysis settings and go to the Populations tab.
The Populations tab within the analysis settings displays all available populations within the analysis. Populations are grouped using the following hierarchy:
Select Create population. A pop-up window appears.
Enter a unique population name.
Enter or select the category* that your population should belong to. If categories have not yet been defined, enter a new category name now and press enter/return on your keyboard to save it.
Enter a description of the population to help your team understand its purpose (maximum 250 characters).
*Note: Categories allow you to organize your various populations.
Step 2: Add conditions
If you want to apply conditions from an existing population, select a base population.
Add a condition from the available population options.
When you are satisfied, Add or Apply the condition to the population.
To add an "or" statement, Add a condition to the same row.
To add an "and" statement, Add a condition to the next row.
Select Add row to add additional "and" conditions. For example, if you select Assets "and" High risk2 Digit Benford, MindBridge will display all entries related to Assets that caused the 2 Digit Benford control point to receive a high score.
Remove conditions (optional)
Select the X icon beside the specific condition you want to delete.
To remove a whole row of conditions, select the delete icon ( ).
Step 3: Include/Exclude population conditions
By default, conditions are the criteria that will be included in the population (indicated by the word "is" to the left of the condition), but you can also create populations that exclude specific entries.
To add a condition that excludes specific data, select the word is in the condition field.
Select is not from the menu. For example, if you want to create a population that excludes all Asset accounts, the condition should be set to "is not Account Assets".
Check the box next to Add population to engagement to make it available for use in all other analyses within the engagement.
Step 5: Finalize the population
When you are satisfied, select Create population. The population will be added to the analysis and you will go back to the Populations tab.
Note:Some populations require additional processing before you can use them on the risk segmentation dashboard. Select Generate population data. You will be notified when the population can be used on the Risk segmentation dashboard.
Select Cancel any time to discard your changes and go back to the Populations tab.
Share a population with the engagement
Populations created within the current analysis can be shared with the engagement settings, which allows other completed analyses within the engagement to use the population.
There are a few ways to add analysis populations to the engagement settings:
When creating or editing a new population in the analysis settings (or when creating a new population on the data table), check the box next to Add population to engagement, near the bottom of the creation or editing window.
In the analysis settings, open the more actions menu ( ) in line with the analysis population and select Share with engagement.
Using either of these methods, a point-in-time copy of the population will appear within the engagement settings (its name will contain a numerical suffix to indicate that it is a copy). This copy will be shared to the analysis settings of all other run analyses within the engagement.
Analysis settings are unique to each analysis, so if an analysis population that was previously shared with the engagement is edited, it will not impact the copy that exists within the engagement settings. For example, suppose you have 2 analyses in your engagement, "Analysis 1" and "Analysis 2." You could create population "X" in Analysis 1 and share it with the engagement. A copy called "X (1)" would appear in the engagement settings, and could then be selected for use in Analysis 2. However, if you then edited population X in Analysis 1, those changes would not be reflected in population X (1) in Analysis 2, and vice versa.
To use the edited version of population X in Analysis 2, you must share the newly edited version with the engagement. Once re-shared, the engagement settings would contain population X (1) (the originally shared population), as well as the edited version (in this case, if the population name was not changed, it would be called "X (2)").
Similarly, if a population was deleted from an analysis, any versions of it that were shared with the engagement would be unaffected — if desired, these can be disabled within the engagement settings.
Summary statistics
Summary statistics give you high-level insight into the scope and impact of your population.
When creating or editing a population, select Generate statistics to see a visual summary of the population.
The total value of the population
The total debit value of the population
The total credit value of the population
The MindBridge score averaged across the population
% of $ value in low risk:The percentage of low risk monetary values in the population
High risk entries: The number of high risk entries in the population
$ value in high risk: The total value of high risk entries in the population
Med. risk entries: The number of medium risk entries in the population
$ value in med. risk: The total value of medium risk entries in the population
Low risk entries: The number of low risk entries in the population
$ value in low risk: The total value of low risk entries in the population
Note: You can continue to add, remove, and update conditions after generating the summary statistics. To see the impact of your changes, simply generate new summary statistics.
Edit a population
You can edit analysis populations as needed. When a engagement or library population is edited, MindBridge creates a copy in the analysis settings that can be updated as needed without affecting the original population.
Open the more actions menu ( ) in line with the population you want to edit.
When you are satisfied, Save your work. The population is updated and you will go back to the Populations tab.
Disable/Enable a population
You can disable and enable populations within an analysis as needed.
Open the more actions menu ( ) in line with the population you want to disable or enable.
Select Disable population to disable any active population. The population will be disabled, and will not be available for use in the analysis. Disabled populations are indicated with a Disabled status indicator.
Select Enable population to enable any inactive population. The population will be enabled, and will be available for use in the analysis. The Disabled status disappears when a population is enabled.
Delete a population
You can delete analysis populations as needed. Once deleted, the population will not be available for use in the analysis.
Open the more actions menu ( ) in line with the analysis population you want to delete.
Select Delete population. A confirmation window appears.
To permanently delete the population, select Delete. The population is deleted and you will go back to the Populations tab.
Note: Library and engagement populations cannot be deleted, but can be disabled.