Some control points operate by scanning specific data fields for keywords, flagging entries or transactions that contain a specific term as high risk.
Keywords are global control point settings, so adding or removing them from a control point in one risks score will result in the change(s) being applied to all instances of the control point (i.e., across all risk scores within the engagement).
Learn how to add and remove keywords in the control points used in your engagement.
Go to Risk scores in the Engagement settings
- Within an engagement, open the Settings icon (
) in the MindBridge sidebar.
- Select Engagement settings. You will go to the General settings tab in the Engagement settings.
- Select the tab for the analysis type you want to see settings for:
- General ledger
- Accounts payable
- Accounts receivable
- Select Risk scores in the left side menu. You will see the risk scores for the engagement organized into risk groups.
Add and remove keywords
- Use the chevron icon (
) to the left of a given risk score to expand it and reveal the control points within it.
- Find one of the following keyword-based control points, then use the chevron icon (
) to the left of a given control point to expand it.
- Suspicious Keyword
- Manual Entry
- Complex instrument
- Select Edit to go to the control point's settings.
- Add and/or remove keywords as described below.
Add keywords
- Select Add keywords (located at the end of the existing list of keywords) then enter a new keyword or key phrase.
- Press the comma key or enter/return on your keyboard to add the word.
- When you are satisfied, select Done. You will go back to the Risk scores section.
Select Cancel to discard your unsaved changes and go back to the Risk scores section.
There is no limit to the number of keywords you can add.
Remove keywords
When a keyword is removed, MindBridge will not search for it.
- Use the X icon to the right of a given keyword to remove it from the list.
- When you are satisfied, select Done. You will go back to the Risk scores section.
Select Cancel to discard your unsaved changes and go back to the Risk scores section.
During previous audits of Highland Wilding Technologies, a particular type of transaction was flagged as being at high risk for misstatement. Details related to this type of transaction are contained in the Memo field (such as a particular vendor, or type of transaction).
As part of the current year’s audit, keywords unique to that transaction type are added to the Suspicious Keyword control point settings. Using this method, transactions containing the defined keywords will be flagged as high risk, increasing the likelihood that they will be sampled.
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