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Delete an engagement

  • Updated


Learn how to delete an engagement in MindBridge.

Note: To delete engagements, you must either be an App Admin or the Organization Creator, or have been assigned the Manager role. Learn more about role-based permissions.

Go to the Engagement settings page

  1. Select the logo in the MindBridge sidebar.
    You will go to the Organizations page.
  2. Select View in line with the desired organization, or click anywhere in the organization row.
    You will go to the Engagements page.
  3. Select the settings icon ( Settings icon ) in line with the engagement you want to delete.
    You will go to the General settings tab in the Engagement Settings page.

Tip: From within an engagement, open the sidebar ( Sidebar open-close icon.svg ) and select Settings ( Settings icon ), then select Engagement settings.

Delete an engagement

  1. Select Delete engagement below the settings.
  2. Check the boxes to confirm you understand that once the engagement is deleted, it cannot be recovered and all work will be lost.
  3. When you are satisfied, Confirm your decision.
    The engagement will be removed from MindBridge and you will not be able to access it.

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