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Dynamic Risk graph: Accounts receivable

  • Updated


Learn about the dynamic risk graphs for accounts receivable analyses.

Go to the Risk overview tab

  1. Select the logo in the MindBridge sidebar.
    You will go to the Organizations page.
  2. Select View in line with the desired organization, or click anywhere in the organization row.
    You will go to the Engagements page.
  3. Select View in line with the desired engagement, or click anywhere in the engagement row.
    You will go to the Data page for that particular engagement.
  4. Select View Analysis on the desired analysis.
  5. Within an analysis, select Risk overview.*

*Note: This is the default landing tab within accounts payable and accounts receivable analyses.

Tip: If you are already in an analysis, simply use the sidebar ( Sidebar_open-close_icon ) to open the Analyze menu ( Analyze_menu_icon ), then select the name of the analysis you want to see and go to the Risk overview tab.

Use the graph

See high risk and high monetary value data points with:

  • Y-axis: The risk score
  • X-axis: The monetary value
Tip: Data points in the upper right section of the graph may be particularly interesting.


Note: The dynamic risk graph will display the risk defined by your risk view selection. If your risk view is set to MindBridge Score, the graph will be displaying the MindBridge score. It will also take into account any filters you have applied.

Switch the view

Open the Risk by menu and make your selection.


Note: The views available depend on the optional and custom columns you’ve mapped during column mapping.

Hover over a data point

Note: The following information applies to the Risk by customer graph, but the same principles apply for all views.

Hover your cursor over a data point in the graph to see the following details:

  • Monetary value: The total monetary value of all entries attributed to this customer
  • Risk score: The average risk score of all entries attributed to this customer
  • Share: The % share of monetary value attributed to this customer compared to the whole
  • Entry count: The total number of entries attributed to this customer
  • High risk entries: The number of high risk entries attributed to this customer, along with the total monetary value of those entries
  • Medium risk entries: The number of medium risk entries attributed to this customer, along with the total monetary value of those entries
  • Low risk entries: The number of low risk entries attributed to this customer, along with the total monetary value of those entries


Drill-down to the data table

Select a data point to go to the data table, with an appropriate filter applied.


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