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Completeness check report (Accounts payable)

  • Updated


Learn about the completeness check report and the insights it provides.


The completeness check report for accounts payable analyses is an exported .XLSX file that can help you confirm the completeness of an AP detail by comparing the year-end vendor balances with our calculated values.

The completeness check report

Note: Learn more about generating reports in MindBridge.

For each vendor, MindBridge calculates a closing balance by adding the provided opening balance to the change in the account in the AP detail. This closing balance is compared with the total of the year-end open payables, with the difference displayed in the Delta column.

If the vendor calculated and the supplied balances differ, then the Balanced column shows false for that vendor and the row is highlighted yellow. Otherwise, true will be displayed.

If the difference between the calculated and the supplied balance is greater than what was entered through the Balance Tolerance input at the top of the report, then the Tolerance Testing column of the report displays Out of Balance for the vendor. Otherwise, Account Balanced will be displayed.

The Remarks column lets you know:

  • If a vendor does not appear in the year-end open payables list (Outstanding Entry Not Provided)
  • If a vendor has a balance but is not present in the AP detail (Activity Entry Not Provided)
  • If the opening balance supplied for a vendor does not match the total of the start-of-year open payables supplied for the same vendor (Opening Balance is inconsistent between both files)

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