While trying to import a general ledger file, you encounter the following error:
A cell in column {columnName}, row {rowNumber} contains too many characters and cannot be read. Escape this cell then reimport the file again.
What does this error mean?
MindBridge encountered a cell that contains too many characters and cannot be read. It is likely that there is an unbalanced quotation character ( " or ' ) on the line specified.
Be consistent in the use of quotation mark types.
- Open your general ledger file and go to the row specified in the error message.
- Search for a double or single quotation mark ( " or ' ).
An uneven number of either of these quotation marks will cause this error. - Either add a balancing " or ', or remove all " and ' characters.
Note: Properly formatted CSV files have double quotation ( " ) characters to escape values that have a comma ( , ) in them, in which case you should not delete all double quotation ( " ) characters from the file. - If there are more than a few rows with an unbalanced (uneven) number of quotation marks, notify your client of this issue and ask them for a better formatted file (for example, in proper CSV format or a tab delimited text file).
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