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Organization settings: Overview

  • Updated


Learn about organization settings and how they are used in MindBridge.

Go to the Organization settings page

  1. Select the logo in the MindBridge sidebar. You will go to the Organizations page.
  2. Select the settings icon ( Settings icon ) to the right of the desired organization. You will go to the Organization settings page, and land on the General Settings tab by default.

Tip: From within an engagement, select Settings ( Settings icon ) within the sidebar, then select Organization settings.

General Settings tab

The General Settings tab allows you to:

  • Adjust the organization name
    Note: The organization name must be unique.
  • Adjust the Client ID
Note: Each of these fields may contain up to 80 characters.

When you are satisfied, select Save to apply your changes.

If you navigate away from this page without saving, your changes will be discarded.

Delete an organization

Note: To delete an organization, you must either be an App Admin or the Organization Creator, or have been assigned the Manager role within the given organization. Learn more about role-based permissions.
  1. Select Delete organization. A confirmation window appears.
  2. Check the boxes next to each warning to verify that you understand that the organization and all of its contents will be permanently deleted.
  3. When you are satisfied, select Delete organization. The organization will be deleted and you will be brought back to the Organizations page.

Select Cancel any time to go back to the Organization settings for the given organization without deleting it.

Access Management tab

The Access Management tab allows you to oversee user access within MindBridge.

Search and filter for users

You can look up users who have access to the organization using the search bar or the provided filter, located above the table on the left. 

Search bar

To find a specific user, enter (in full or in part) their name or email address into the search bar, then press enter/return on your keyboard, or select the magnifying glass icon ( Search icon ). The table below will display users that match your search criteria.

Use the X icon within the search bar to clear it and reset the table.


Open the Profile filter menu and use the checkboxes to select which user role you want to filter by. Upon selection, the table below will display users with the selected user role.

Select Reset filter to clear the filter and any applied search criteria.

Grant access to the organization

Note: To add a team member to an organization, they must be an existing MindBridge user. Contact your MindBridge App Admin to add new users to the tenant so you can invite them to your organizations.
  1. Select Grant access. A form window appears.
  2. Use the User menu to select users you want to give access to. You can add as many as you need.
  3. Select the user role the user(s) should have:
    • Auditor: Can create analyses, import files, edit account mappings, create/edit tasks for the audit plan, and export results. They cannot edit engagement settings or delete tasks, analyses, and files.
    • Manager: Can do everything an Auditor can, plus create, edit, and delete engagements within the organization, as well as invite Auditors to the organization its engagements.
  4. Use the checkboxes to select which engagements you want to grant access to.
    Tip: You can search for a specific engagement by entering its name (in part or in full) into the search bar, then pressing enter/return on your keyboard or selecting the magnifying glass icon ( Search icon ).
  5. When you are satisfied, select Save to grant the given user(s) access to the organization and selected engagements. You will be go back to the Access Management tab and the users you granted access to will be listed in the table.

Edit or revoke access

You can edit the level of access a user has, or revoke their access altogether.

  1. Select Edit access to the right of the desired user. A form window will appear.
  2. Choose your action...
    • To edit access: Adjust the user role and engagement access as desired, then select Save to apply your changes.
    • To revoke access: Select Revoke access in the bottom left corner of the window. A confirmation window will appear. To revoke access to the organization, select Confirm. You will go back to the Access Management tab and the given user(s) will be removed.

Select Cancel any time to go back without applying your changes.

Anything else on your mind? Chat with us or submit a request for further assistance.

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