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Invite users

  • Updated


App Admins and User Admins can control their teams' access and permissions for a given tenant, including adding and removing team members.

Learn how to invite new users to your MindBridge tenant.

Note: Learn more in the User accounts & tenant access course available on MindBridge Academy.

Go to the Admin settings

Note: Only App Admins and User Admins can view and manage user settings. Learn about user roles

Select Admin ( Admin icon ) near the bottom of the MindBridge sidebar on the left side of the screen.

You will go to the User Management tab in the Admin settings by default, where you will see a list of all users within your MindBridge tenant (i.e., all users across all organizations and engagements), along with their role and current status in the system.

Invite a user

Once you invite a new user into your tenant, they will receive an invitation email asking them to set up their password. To learn more about this process from the perspective of a user, review Create your account.

  1. Select Invite user, located near the top-right corner of the screen. A selection window appears.
  2. In the Email text field, enter the new user's email address.
  3. To add another user, select Add email to add a new text field.
    Use the X icon to the right of the email field remove a given email address.
  4. Use the System Role menu to select the level of access the user will have. Users can only be assigned one system role.
  5. When you are satisfied, select Send invitations. You will be notified when the invitations have been sent.
Note: User Admins cannot add, edit, or disable App Admin accounts.
Note: If your organization plans to use Single Sign-On (SSO), the user must be invited with their exact email address and not an alias.
Note: The activation link provided in the invitation email will expire after 7 days. After this time, an Admin must issue a new invitation.

Invite multiple users

You can invite a large number of users all at once.

  1. Select Invite user, located near the top-right corner of the screen. A selection window appears.
  2. Select Bulk Add Users (located near the bottom of the window) to import up to 250 email addresses. All emails must be separated by commas.
  3. Copy and paste your comma-separated email list into the Email field.
  4. Use the System Role menu to select the level of access this group of users will have. Users can only be assigned one system role.
  5. When you are satisfied, select Send invitations. You will be notified when the invitations have been sent.
Tip: Email addresses are automatically separated by semi-colons in most email clients (such as Outlook and Gmail). You can create a comma-separated user list by copying the email addresses into an Excel sheet, splitting the data columns with the semi-colon character ( ; ), then using an "&" formula to add a comma ( , ) to separate users.


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