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Activate your account

  • Updated


MindBridge App Admins and User Admins can invite team members to any MindBridge tenant (i.e., the private space that houses a firm's organizations, engagements, and analyses) that they are responsible for.

The first time you receive an invitation to join a team in MindBridge, you must activate your account, create a strong password, then sign in.

Learn more about this process below.

New MindBridge users: Activate and create your account

You will receive an email invitation to join your team in MindBridge.

  1. Open the email and select Activate account.
    Note: If you cannot select "Activate account", copy the URL provided in the email and paste it directly into your browser's url bar.
    You will go to a page outlining MindBridge's Privacy Policy.
  2. Select Confirm to agree to MindBridge's Terms of Use.
  3. Provide your personal information, which will be associated with your MindBridge account.
  4. Enter a strong password* that contains at least...
    • 8 characters
    • 1 uppercase letter
    • 1 lowercase letter
    • 1 number
    • 1 special character
  5. When you are satisfied, select Set my password.
*Note: MindBridge will reject passwords that contain repeating sequences (for example, 1111 or aaa), as well as passwords that cybersecurity experts have been identified as commonly used.

Sign in to MindBridge

Once your password has been accepted, select Sign in with new password to sign in to MindBridge for the first time. You will go to the Organizations page, which lists all of the organizations you can access within the tenant.

You will also receive an email informing you that your account has been successfully created.

Anything else on your mind? Chat with us or submit a request for further assistance.

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