GDPdU (Grundsätze zum Datenzugriff und zur Prüfbarkeit digitaler Unterlagen / Principles of Data Access and Auditing of Digital Documents) is a German tax law. It has been in effect since 2002-01-01 and is published by the Federal Ministry of Finance (BMF).
File Contents
From a data perspective, GDPdU data files are as follows:
A zip file containing:
- A DTD file
- An index.xml file
- All data files i.e. the General Ledger amongst other files
The DTD file specifies the structure of the index.xml file.
The index.xml specifies the name and structure of each data file included.
The data files typically do not contain any header rows, the header rows are provided via the index.xml file which is in turn validated by the DTD file. Hence to unpack a GDPDU zip folder, all three file types specified in the list above must be present.
Unpacking a GDPdU folder
- Upload the zip folder into the MindBridge file manager
- Click on the “Actions” menu and in the resulting drop down, select “Format GDPdU"
- If successful, a new folder will be created inside the file manager containing the unpacked data files
If any of the index.xml, the DTD file or the data files are missing then an error will be thrown, to rectify the error, either include the missing file inside the GDPDU zip folder or reach out to MindBridge support for further assistance.
It’s worth to note that at times only a few of the data files will fail in unpacking. This is only an issue if the general ledger/journal was one of the files which failed. The GDPDU zip folder typically contains a large number of data files but the files we are interested in is usually only the general ledger/journal.
Anything else on your mind? Chat with us or submit a request for further assistance.